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Big TechMay 24, 2021
Ron DeSantis Goes There: Is Big Tech Going to Deplatform Fauci Over 'Wuhan Lab Theory'?
Today, America's Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill to address Big Tech's (alleged) deplatforming, shadow banning, and all-around douchebaggery towards conservatives. He couldn't resist a dig at his arch-nemesis, Anthony Fauci. The same Anthony Fauci that DeSantis ignored and wound up leading the state with the best 'rona response. Go figure.
In DeSantis's speech, he pointed to Big Tech censoring any contrarian opinion to what the "approved" "science" had to stay about the pandemic. Something that both the Florida Governor and this very website know firsthand. Today brought news the "Wuhan Lab Theory" that big tech deemed a conspiracy theory is no longer considered one. So...
Florida Governor Ron DeSantisyoutu.be
Now we have information this may have very well originated from the Wuhan Lab. That it was a leak from the lab. When people last year were raising that as something that needed to be investigated, they were DEPLATFORMED for talking about the lab leak. They were CENSORED for having said that. And now, EVEN FAUCI admits that this may be something that very may be the case. Are they now going to censor Fauci and pull him down off of social media?
This shows you, because corporate media said it was a conspiracy theory, these Big Tech oligarchs responded to [claims of a conspiracy theory] instead of allowing an honest debate about something that's very important.
I wish I could bottle the disdain in DeSantis's voice every time he says "Fauci."
A lot of the focus on Big Tech being a bunch of censoring commies gets focused around the election and Trump things. But messaging around pandemic censorship is much more effective. That affects ALL Americans regardless of who they voted for. We all suffered to some degree or the other over the past fifteen months after "15 Days to Flatten the Curve." Decisions were made by people we were told to shut up and trust. Imagine knowing there was information out there challenging those decisions that you weren't allowed to see. Information you're finding out about now after your business has been shuttered and you've watched your kid suffering through remote learning. Imagine it was information that, if you had it, you would have been more vocal against the decisions being made by our "leaders."
Big Tech is powerful enough to decide what information you have available during a PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS. And they act on behalf of the corporate media and politicians promoting that crisis. This is why people like Ron DeSantis are signing legislation like he did today.
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