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COVIDJanuary 24, 2022
Watch: CNN Gaslights Bari Weiss, Willfully Misses Her Point Calling Pandemic Response a 'Moral Crime'
There’s a sizable portion of our population that would rather not come to terms with the fact that the COVID pandemic is waning. That is might in fact be ending or over. Tony “I am the science” Fauci and his devout followers are definitely one constituency of this group of incorrigible imbeciles, so, too, are the teachers’ unions, who have enjoyed the time away from work, extra money, and the fun they have torturing small children with masks and fear tactics. And then there are the empty-headed leftist toadies at CNN.
CNN LIES and GASLIGHTS Bill Maher Guest on Covid Response! | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
After Bari Weiss went on Bill Maher this past weekend and talked about how tired she is of the irrational, anti-science idiocy that continues to be forced on citizens in the name of stopping COVID, in the name of public health, CNN decided they would cobble together a few of their favorite village idiots to lie about what she said.
The problem is it doesn’t take an IQ of 145 to see through the bullsh*t. CNN, like many lefty networks, can’t even handle taking arguments head-on, arguing against what words actually come out of the lips of their opposition because they know they will fail to win that fight. They know the facts aren’t on their side. They know they are pushing lies and hysteria, at this point.
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