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Woke CultureSeptember 21, 2020
The 'Social Change Prankster' Explains a Lot About Liberal Protests
Social justice protests are fun to watch. Fridays are for The Boys (on Prime Video). But other than that, some of these protests can be the most entertaining thing on streamable media. They always start off with an agreeable idea — like there should be some police reform — but they rapidly descend into a variety show of everything liberals hate about America, chock-full of protesters who look like they answered an advertisement for "generic leftist stereotype for right-leaning blog" (see PORTLAND PROTESTERS ASSAULTED TWO OLD LADIES and SINGLE MOTHER IN PORTLAND WANTS YOU TO KNOW HOW SLEEP-DEPRIVED SHE IS FROM ALL THAT PROTESTING). And usually a stunning and brave naked chick or two.
All this time, I thought it was just clueless leftists being clueless leftists. I had no idea they were all just victims of the world's greatest prankster. Ryan Long, take it away.
Social Change Pranksteryoutu.be
I know this is a comedy sketch. But really, if this were actually true, it would explain so much. I'm the furthest thing from sympathetic to a lot of leftist causes. What with them usually being intellectually dishonest and rooted in commie fan fiction. But I can't help feel sad for some of the people who sincerely believe they are fighting for change as I yell "WHO IS THIS HELPING" at my computer monitor.
And honestly, let's just say that there was a social change prankster. It wouldn't be that difficult for him to pull a lot of this off. If Droz and the rest of the gang from The Pit can do it to pull off a campus rager (that's a '90s reference, youngbloods), any well-motivated troll can do it just for the sh!ts and giggles of doing so.
The Adventures of The White Privilege Boys: Playing with Guns! Ep.2 | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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