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SourcesJune 06, 2022
Show Notes: What the Hell is a "Family-Friendly" Drag Show?
Drag queens messed with Texas and had a "family-friendly" drag show for little kids over the weekend. Yes, it was gross and absolutely degenerate. Elsewhere in Texas, we find out a good guy with a gun was STOPPED by police from taking out the Uvalde shooter. And AOC says she's an Indian now.
What the Hell is a "Family-Friendly" Drag Show? | Louder with Crowderwww.youtube.com
On June 6, 1944 allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France marking one of the most important moments of WW2. SOURCE: YouTube
- 1,465 Americans killed
- 416K Americans killed all of WW2
- On June 4, Mr. Misster, a gay bar in Dallas, held a “kid friendly” drag event. SOURCE : Twitter
- To be clear, this event was directly advertised for children. SOURCE: Eventbrite
- Parents actually brought their children to this event, where they were full participants.
- Nothing about this event was appropriate for children.
- This weekend a Uvalde Funeral Home employee spoke out about his experience the day of the Uvalde shooting: SOURCE: YouTube
- This revelation came following some other serious allegations leveled by Uvalde's parents.
- Angeli Gomez, the mother who was handcuffed for trying to enter the school alleged that: SOURCE: DailyBeast
- “federal marshals handcuffed her because she was intervening in an active investigation.”
- She also said she ran towards the school after Uvalde police told the Marshals to release her. SOURCE: KSAT
- Angeli Gomez, the mother who was handcuffed for trying to enter the school alleged that: SOURCE: DailyBeast
- For her trouble Gomez also said that law enforcement warned her to stop telling her story. SOURCE: CBS News
- Something here isn’t adding up.
- While speaking about the May jobs report on Friday, Joe Biden lied about basically everything. SOURCE: Twitter
CLAIM #1: Families are carrying less debt since Biden took office.
- TRUTH #1: No they aren’t! Debt is up! SOURCE: NewYorkFed.org
- “[There was an] increase in total household debt in the first quarter of 2022, increasing by $266 billion [..] to $15.84 trillion [total].”
CLAIM #2: Average savings are up!
- TRUTH #1: No they aren’t! Savings are down. SOURCE CNBC
- “Americans now have an average of $9,000 less in savings than they did last year”https://twitter.com/johnrobertgage/status/1533133062623617027?s=20&t=NaDjzvgC53t5vpJD5wlEiA
CLAIM #3: Federal Reserve Survey “more Americans feel financially comfortable”
- TRUTH #1: No they don’t! SOURCE: IPSOS
- “Americans are feeling less financially secure in [the first quarter of] 2022 (56%) [than they did in [the fourth quarter] of 2021”
- SETUP: On June 2, Biden claimed firearms are the NUMBER ONE killer of children! SOURCE: YouTube
- FACT: The leading cause of death among children ages 1-14 years old is accidents. SOURCE: CDC
- In 2019, deaths by firearms spiked. SOURCE: NEJM
- 3,371 children and teens were killed by guns. SOURCE: ChildrensDefense
- And 85% of deaths were among 15- 19-year olds. SOURCE: ChildrensDefense
- Speaking to a captive audience on her Instagram Live, AOC shared her feelings about her awakening to her Native American roots. As a newly awakened Native, AOC takes a lot of liberties here, not least of which is her description of the “Lakota”, or “Lakota Sioux” as she calls them.
CLAIM #1: In the video, AOC consistently refers to the Dakota natives as the “Lakota Sioux.” SOURCE: Twitter
- FACT: The term “Sioux” is considered derogatory by the Lakota people. SOURCE: BlackHillsVisitor
- The term nadouessioux was originally coined by the French and later adopted by the English as Sioux.
- It’s said the word originates from the Ojibwe word atowessiwak meaning “little snakes”.
- The Ojibwe were the enemy of the Lakota.
CLAIM #2: We share a common ancestry! SOURCE: Twitter
- TRUTH: All human beings in existence share a “common ancestry.”
- According to Scientific American, if one looks back in time far enough: SOURCE: ScientificAmerican
- “You reach a date when our family trees share not just one ancestor in common but every ancestor in common.”
- Not only that–and this is really going to upset AOC–but, SOURCE: Scientific American
- “Beginning in 1492, ‘you begin to see the European genes flowing in every direction until [...] estimates are that there are no people in South America today who don’t have European ancestry.’”
- You can see her start to draw even more of these connections when she claims African cultural heritage, too. SOURCE: Twitter
- So, where exactly does AOC want to draw the line for this argument?
- According to Scientific American, if one looks back in time far enough: SOURCE: ScientificAmerican
CLAIM #3: They demand the Black Hills (Dakota) be given back!
- TRUTH: The area of and around the Black Hills has been home to several native tribes throughout history.
- Various tribes settled in the Black Hills for over 10,000 years. SOURCE: LoA
- The Mandan, Hidatsa, and Sahnish all resided in the area long before the Sioux, as far back as 900 AD. SOURCE: MHANation
- The Arikara arrived around 1500 AD, followed by the Cheyenne, Crow, Kiowa, and Pawnee. SOURCE: LoA
- The earliest known contact with the Sioux was in 1640 in present-day Wisconsin. SOURCE: BHVisitor
- The Sioux took the Black Hills lands during the late 1700s and early 1800s by evicting the Cheyenne. SOURCE: BHVisitor
- How is the European settlers’ claim to the territory any less valid than the native tribes before them?
- TRUTH #1: A Lot of Lakota still
- Presently, there are approximately 70,000 registered Lakota Indians in the US. SOURCE: Indians.org
- TRUTH #2: There are more Native Americans than ever.
- TRUTH #3: Manhattan was purchased from the Native Americans for 60 guilders. SOURCE: Thirteen.org
- Approximately $1000 in today’s currency. SOURCE: Live Science
- TRUTH: No “Native” North Americans, including groups AOC discusses, are native to those lands.
- The Taino people migrated to the Caribbean from what is present-day Venezuela. SOURCE: DrFJCollazo
- And all North and South “Native” American populations migrated from Asia, with the majority coming in one group. SOURCE: UniversityCollegeLondon
- “Scientists have found that Native American populations [...] arose from at least three migrations, with the majority descended entirely from a single group of First American migrants that crossed over through Beringia, a land bridge between Asia and America [...]”
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