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FeaturedJune 25, 2019
Opinion: Only losers demand their student debt be canceled
EDITORS NOTE: The left has been on about canceling student loan debt since 2019. Biden might announce a new plan today, but they're all still losers.
Today we finally moved away from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying stupid things, in what is likely a short respite from the bug-eyed, wide-mouthed wonder. Let's enjoy the recess from her royal smugness for as long as we can. But we didn't move onto a topic of sophistication but to one which appealed to the most selfish, greedy, and entitled among us: losers who demand student loan forgiveness.
Real quick, allow me to define the terms dropped by the frousy-haired socialist:
- First "we" = Democrats who pander to losers
- Bail out = taxpayer money
- Second "we" = schmucks who pay taxes
This issue is actually a rather simple one. If you took out a student loan, knowing it was going to cost you an arm, a leg, your best memory, and your tolerance for gluten, it's up to you to pay it back. That's it. You really needn't read any further. But since you're still here, allow me to elaborate upon this simple idea with more simple ideas.
Whatever you majored in doesn't matter. Whatever institution you attended doesn't matter. It frankly doesn't matter if this is a student loan, an auto loan or a home loan. A loan isn't a gift. It's a loan. You made a promise to a lender that you'd pay them back for the money they've loaned to you, usually with interest. Interest which you agreed to pay when you took out the loan. It's all rather transparent, hardly any surprises. Related: WATCH: Mike Rowe on 'Outrage' Over the College Admissions Scandal.
He, she or ze who demands a loan be wiped clear because he, she or ze doesn't want to pay it back after accruing [sum of money], then demands someone else (in this case, taxpayers) foot the bill, is a complete and total loser. I am not sorry if you're insulted, it is rather my intent.
Yes, I understand college has gotten pricey. Which I think is ridiculous, sure. But the cost of education, regardless of the politics surrounding it, is still the cost. The loan, regardless of who's lending and at what APR, is still the loan. We can argue and debate ideas about how to adjust the cost of tuition, loan amounts, interest rates and so forth, but again I say, if you signed on the dotted line, it's up to you to pay it back.
Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and the rest of the Democrat band of merry panderers, are appealing to not only students' desperation but their greed. Because yes, if you want your loan "forgiven" by "the government" what you really want is for people who didn't go to your college to pay for it. It would be like dining out at a five star restaurant and, upon seeing the bill, demanding the people outside pay for it instead.
Yes, it is the same. Education is no more a right than food. In fact one might argue it's less of a right, as you really don't need a degree in gender theory to survive. You know I'm right.
I'm going to let you in on a not-secret: Democrats only appeal to the worst amongst us. Notice they're not demanding retro-active loan forgiveness. People who paid back their loans, as they promised they would, will not be reimbursed. Meaning that people who paid for their loans will now have to, if Bernie Sanders gets his way, also pay for the loans they didn't take out.
So much for fairness, but yet another win for greedy assholes who probably smell. I'm talking to you Skylar with the nose-wring and all organic underarm deodorant.
Responsible people step up. They pay back the lender who bought them the ticket so they could take the ride. Demanding someone else pay back a loan because you don't feel like it makes you a real asshole.
But Democrats love appealing to selfish pricks who would rather other people care for them. It is, after all, how they ascend to power, held aloft by the spindly arms of the collective whiny mob that makes up their base.
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