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AbortionApril 02, 2019
Young Pro-Life Man Gives Powerful Rebuttal to Abortion in Rhode Island Hearing
UPDATED: Matthew Foster reached out to me to correct me on some facts, now reflected in the post. The resolution hasn't become law, it only passed the House and is now awaiting a vote in committee. Keep fighting Rhode Island!
Total transparency, this video is from March 6th, and for some reason got pushed to the back of the news deck, which is a tragedy. This young man, whose name is Matthew Foster, gave a magnificent testimony for life, while simultaneously dropping truth bombs in every pro-choice bunker. He spoke at the Rhode Island hearing about the latest abortion bill which mirrored the bill passed in New York and Virginia, starting his testimony by marveling at the coincidence of such timing.
I found it to be uncanny parallel political thinking when three states can introduce a very similar bill within a span of two months directly after a midterm election.
This man is brilliant. He succinctly stated the insidious nature of abortion (being sold as, somehow, a compassionate choice) while alluding to the real aim of abortion: killing a "lower class" of human being. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, always made her goals clear, but in the years following the rise of Planned Parenthood, those goals were muddied and rebranded as compassion.
Secondly, as a society we tell people all the time what are good healthy choices and what are bad unhealthy choices. Don't speed in your car. Don't take heroin. Don't smoke or drink while pregnant. If it's "my body my choice" why are we not allowed to drive as fast as we want, drink and smoke when we want, even if pregnant?
Thirdly, when the pro-choice loons tell men to sit down and shut up, ignore them. Stand up and shout against abortion. Fight for the lives of your children. Abortion is a life and death matter, and as this young man said, history will judge us for what we've done to our babies.
The Rhode Island House passed the abomination of the bill, because abortion isn't about women's rights, but money and power. The bill hasn't yet become law, it now faces challenges in committee, so the fight ain't over yet.
Related OPINION: Abortion isn't About Choice. It's About Selfishness.
God bless this young man and may he inspire more to do the same.
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