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PoliticsAugust 26, 2020
The Hodgetwins Blast LeBron James Over His Jacob Blake Comments
I'm not the type of conservative to tell celebrities to keep their opinions to themselves. They have the same rights to express themselves as your favorite blogger does. Just, some celebrities aren't as good at it as others are. LeBron James should stick to taking it up the wazoo from the Chinese government and never being as good as Michael Jordan. James decided to opine on the police-involved shooting in Kenosha with a combination of ignorance and race-baiting. Our friends the Hodgetwins embarrass him so much for it in this clip, you would think they were the Golden State Warriors.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by The Hodgetwins (@officialhodgetwins) on Aug 25, 2020 at 6:27pm PDT
Normally when LeBron James is mentioned, I feel it necessary to toss to this clip from Bad Teachers. But today, let's send you to down to Charles Barkley.
Charles Barkley: 'I will SLAP anyone comparing LeBron to Michael Jordan as GOAT'youtu.be
Here's the thing. It's not that celebrities should keep their opinions to themselves. But because of their overblown influence over the American people, they should at least not be ignorant about what they say. LeBron's opinion is so "valued" by people, they want to use him to push the 'rona vaccine. His second-guessing appropriate police procedures encourages other people do it, and it's a topic he clearly knows nothing about. He asked about what if the cops had a bad day. Well, what if the cops run someone's record, see that there is an warrant out for his arrest for violent assault, and after trying to subdue the guy, he aggressively reaches into his car? Police officers have only a split second to make decisions that will determine whether or not they make it home that night.
That's not to say there doesn't need to be police reform. I'd like to get back to that conversation at some point. But if all black people are really as scared as LeBron is claiming, maybe it would help if LeBron stopped scaring them.
NEW FOOTAGE of Jacob Blake Shows...That It Was Still Justified | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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