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ArticlesJuly 27, 2017
Ben Shapiro Throws Down on Anti-Free Speech College Students in Congressional Hearing
EDITOR'S NOTE: On this day in 2017...
The furry-legged leftist monsters raging at universities are garnering Congressional attention. Thus, Congress decided to have a little chat about toddler-inspired outbursts toward free speech on campuses (see Feminist Professors to College Students: Stop Citing White Males Because Racism and SCARED MUCH? UC Berkeley Says it Can’t Host Ben Shapiro Due to ‘Lack of Space’).
Our friend Ben Shapiro was invited to speak. It went as you'd expect:
Free speech is under assault because of a three step argument made by the advocates and justifiers of violence. The first step is, they say, the validity or invalidity of an argument can be judged solely by the ethnic, sexual, racial, or cultural identity of the person making the argument. The second step is, they say, those who think otherwise engage in what they call verbal violence, and the final step is, they conclude, that physical violence is sometimes justified to stop such verbal violence.All of this destroys free speech, but just as importantly, it turns students into snowflakes... looking for an excuse to be offended so they can earn points in the intersectionality olympics, and then use those points as a club with which to beat opponents.
I love me some Ben Shapiro debates and lectures. This one is in my top ten: BOOM! Ben Shapiro Lays Waste To Vapid Leftist In Transgender Debate. I know I use "boom" a lot for Ben. Take your triggering feels and shove them up your rectum. I say that with love.
Free speech is absolutely under assault. One can simply say "that's hateful" to get someone else banned. If that doesn't do it, one can simply exercise violence via throwing a trash bin through a window in reaction to "hate speech" to get someone else banned. Simply put: college snowflakes are wimps who, rather than listening to someone else then responding with their own spoken (or written) words, act like raging toddlers told the Tooth Fairy is leaving plastic vomit, not a crisp twenty.
So severe is the problem, Ben had to traipse all the way to Washington D.C., where free speech should be protected at all costs, to tell a congressional hearing that the First Amendment, as in the FIRST Amendment, is being attacked by mostly liberal ninnies. Which he was probably happy to do, but this is where we are. If people cave to these stone-throwing twits, we'll lose our right to mock them. That's a reality I can't endorse.
These anti-free speech bigots are already on the march to strip us of our right to say certain words. Observe: