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crimeJanuary 14, 2022
Soros Backed State Attorney Indicted for Perjury and Filing False Mortgage Applications
When crooks receive their just desserts it’s a good thing. When crooked government officials get them, we should all celebrate. And when it’s a Democrat who illustrates just how awful the entire party is, well, guys and gals, I’m ready to crack open some champagne!
On Thursday, Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby was indicted on multiple charges of perjury and filing false mortgage applications. Mosby allegedly took advantage of provisions included in the CARES Act to withdraw a total of $90,000, split between two withdrawals, from her city employee retirement account, claiming “work-related financial hardship” due to the COVID pandemic.
However, she wasn’t experiencing financial hardship. As the New York Post notes, she was making almost $248,000 annually. And she didn’t use the money for anything that would have indicated hardship. Instead, she used the money to put down payments on two vacation homes in—surprise, surprise—Florida. All these leftist crooks want to be in Florida, where their own inane policies haven’t destroyed everything.
The charges of perjury originate from her false statements of financial duress, which were necessary to withdraw the funds from her retirement account. As for the false mortgage applications, Mosby failed to report that both she and her husband were delinquent on their taxes, for which they had a $45,000 tax lien filed against them.
Why is it the people who push higher taxes on everyone else never seem to want to pay their own taxes? The question is rhetorical, of course. We know they are greedy crooks who believe they are above the law.
Mosby faces up to five years in prison for each of the counts of perjury and decades for the false mortgage applications. Let’s hope she serves every last second of the maximum allowable sentence.
Mosby, a radical left rogue prosecutor funded by none other than George Soros, was elected in 2015. Since being elected, she’s used her position as State’s Prosecutor to run the city of Baltimore into the ground.
The Heritage Foundation explains the jump in crime rates that has taken place since Mosby took office and instituted a policy of refusing to prosecute several various categories of crime. Murders rose from an average of 229 per year in the eight years before she took office to an average of 331. Rapes, aggravated assaults, robberies: all of these increased after Mosby took office.
Radical prosecutors are a problem across the country, where they ensure the jurisdictions they serve suffer under their incompetence and radical policies. Recently, another radical prosecutor’s failure to properly enforce the law and safeguard his constituents led to the deaths of several people when a man drove his SUV through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin.
Here’s to hoping more leftist prosecutors find themselves in court, looking at long prison sentences.
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