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Woke CultureMarch 03, 2022
As Russia Pushes WWIII, the US Army Pushes Mandatory Gender Identity Training
The war between Ukraine and Russia shows no sign of cooling down anytime soon. And with the looming threat of that conflict spreading and the chance China might choose to move on Taiwan, you would think our military would be busy preparing for what seems almost like an eventuality. Well, they’re not. Instead of spending time training and developing soldiers into lean, mean, commie killin’ machines, the US Army is cramming woke training sessions down the throats of soldiers.
Now, just a quick disclaimer: I was in the army, and I can say with absolute certainty that soldiers are required to take numerous hours of ridiculous courses each year, but many of these can be at least justified. Furthermore, not one of the training courses I’m familiar with ever had the kind of deleterious effects as the one identified by The Washington Free Beacon.
A shoutout is necessary for the whistleblower who provided some of the training materials to the Free Beacon. Taxpayers deserve to know what their money is going toward—and make no mistake, your money is paying for this crap, either in materials or manhours.
The presentation titled “Policy on the Military Service of Transgender Persons and Persons with Gender Dysphoria,” was mandated to be completed by all soldiers by September 2022. The materials received by the Free Beacon are a version of the presentation directed at “Commanders at all levels and Leaders.” Unknown is how low of a level units are deeming “Leaders” to go, but this could potentially include leadership down to the platoon and squad level.
It outlines various initial bulleted items to preface the training, explaining that the army allows transgender individuals to serve openly and are to be treated with dignity and respect. It also states that transgenderism or gender dysphoria is not a condition warranting “involuntary separation, discharge, or [denial of] reenlistment.” To put this in perspective, one can be involuntarily separated for things like depression, ADHD, and PTSD.
Several slides also offer up different situations for soldiers to examine, providing them with the proper actions to take for each situation.
In one of the initial bullets, as well as in the second presented situation, the training notes that soldiers are treated based on what gender is noted in the DEERS system. I’m well aware how DEERS works, and it requires one to go to the office with any and all necessary documentation to change even the smallest bit of information. I wonder exactly how this works for non-binary or gender fluid soldiers who may feel like men one day and women the next. Are they wasting countless hours at the DEERS office repeatedly updating this information?
The training also doesn’t seem to be aimed at covering the day-to-day activities of soldiers who identify as a gender different from that “assigned at birth.” Do male-to-female transgender soldiers room with females? Do they perform physical training to female standards? Do these things change whenever gender-fluid soldiers feel a particular way? And what about those soldiers who don’t identify as male or female?
There’s no good answer to any of these questions. But one thing is perfectly clear: nothing about this promotes “good order and discipline,” as an army spokesman, who verified the authenticity of the training, says.
“[S]ervice in the Army is open to all who can meet the standards for military service and readiness. We remain committed to treating all soldiers with dignity and respect while ensuring good order and discipline. Soldiers who meet those standards can serve openly in their self-identified gender."
The truth is as Dakota Wood at the Heritage Foundation describes it: “There are a great many people in the military, arguably the vast majority, who do not agree with this manufactured construct. […] [It] creates frictions within organizations that are dependent on unity and cohesion to be successful in combat."
So, while our enemies see our president as a weak, witless old man, they can also rest assured that the same leftist inanities that presently threaten every other American institution are also weakening what used to be the strongest military force on the planet. We may have the equipment and technology to best our foes, but those require people to operate them, and those people are spending their days learning about how to transition into a new gender or tiptoe around those who choose to do so.
If we are pushed into an armed conflict in the near future, I don’t see it going so well. At least we’re not the only ones who look like idiots. Small victories (better get used to them.)
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