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Second AmendmentApril 08, 2021
Biden Puts Anti-Gun Activist in Charge of Firearms Bureau
If you needed more proof of the importance of states like Iowa and Arizona passing their own gun-RIGHTS laws, here it is. Joe Biden is set to put an anti-gun activist in charge of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and FIREARMS. This is on top of the executive orders anticipated to be announced Thursday morning.
Hopefully you "moderate" voters who voted on how mean you thought Donald Trump was are happy with yourselves.
Biden also is nominating David Chipman, a former federal agent and adviser at the gun control group Giffords, to be director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Gun-control advocates have emphasized the significance of this position in enforcing gun laws, and Chipman is certain to win praise from this group. During his time as a senior policy adviser with Giffords, he spent considerable effort pushing for greater regulation and enforcement...
The White House went on boast how Chipman has worked "to advance common-sense gun safety laws." What do "common-sense gun laws" mean? Whatever leftists want it to mean. It's like "infrastructure" or "gender." Only much more important, because we're talking about our Second Amendment rights. It means any time Biden wants an excuse to chip away at our God-given rights, he just makes it up, knowing the media will swear by it.
The only thing saving us right now is two Democrat senators who, at least for now, appear not to be douchebags: Joe Manchin from West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema from Arizona. Both have vocally opposed eliminating the filibuster. Both come from states where residents care about their rights to protect their families. Both can hopefully block Chipman from being confirmed. Leftists will be looking to destroy them unless the senators are bullied into submission. We should consider sending them at the very least a nice note. Remind them that we're the side that has punch and pie.
Also, as long as you aren't f*cking with our First and SECOND Amendments, we can get along. As opposed to the bitter leftists who are about to launch the #ManchinIsRacist and #KyrstenSinemaisOverParty campaigns.
This is bad. We all need to be prepared for what comes next.
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