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crimeFebruary 23, 2022
Watch: Two Evil Women Pretend to Pray With Elderly Churchgoer so They Could Rob Her. This Happened IN Church.
I'm not the most religious person. There are others at LwC who are much better studied in religious matters than I am. But I'm pretty sure this is a one-way ticket to hell. Or whatever's worse than hell. Maybe Detroit. Maybe there is a Purgatory prior to hell for the people Satan looks at and says, "Eww gross." People like these two women who pretended to pray with an elderly woman so they could rob her. While pretending to pray in church.
Theft videoyoutu.be
Videos of people being robbed have become all too common on the internet. This is the worst one. The church is seeking justice for the woman. I feel a more accurate headline would replace "justice" with "vengeance."
The two garbage humans entered the church at 5:40 PM, claiming they thought service started at 6:00. The pastor directed the women to the sanctuary, where they spotted their mark. A 78-year-old-woman who was sharing a moment with God. One of the garbage humans asked the lady to pray with her, while the second garbage human emptied out the woman's wallet. That's what we see in the video. They then used the woman's credit card to go shopping at Sam's Club.
There were four garbage humans in total. Police are asking the public for help in identifying the suspects.
I want to know if this was an impulsive robbery where the four garbage humans acted on the fly or if they planned it out. They actually went in with a plan assuming there would be an old lady for them to rob. Both are horrible, The later option is much worse.
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