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ArticlesJune 23, 2019
Eric Swalwell Mocked for Fear-Mongering Tweet to Hispanics
So far, the best thing to come out of this election cycle is the pathetic man-baby known as Eric Swalwell. Little Eric can't seem to go a day without embarrassing the bejeezus out of himself with his mental diarrhea. Case in point, Suckwell put out a tweet trying to scare Hispanics into voting against the Donald.
Uh, maybe it's just me, but it sounds like Eric is suggesting Trumpy is planning on using the census to start a holocaust of Hispanics. Though, be not afraid my Hispanic friends. For Eric Swalwell is willing to throw down to stop the Orange Man. He will stop at nothing to score your vote protect you. Even if it means engaging in a little thermonuclear war.
I'm not alone in thinking this Swalwell tweet is a big joke. Just take a look at these responses:
This is Eric's biggest failure. He assumes Hispanic people are exclusively on the left. In reality, people who hail from south of the border don't always take too kindly to nosy lefties trying to lord over every aspect of their lives. Though, I wouldn't expect a guy who's polling at 0% to know anything about what voters want.
Precisely. Trump's beef is with illegals, whether they're coming from the south or north. If some Canuck crosses over without permission, Trump will just as quickly kick his Molson-loving ass back to the land of the maple leaf. Faster than you can say "O Canada."
Yep, this is just a pathetic attempt from Eric to play the race card to pick up votes. Though, when you see his campaign sinking like a canoe with Tess Holliday aboard, can you really blame him?
Right on!
These are the important questions.
My money's on poor Eric to be the first Democrat to go. Which will be sad, seeing as he's been such an entertaining little turdlet to mock. Though, I'm sure some other brainless lefty twit will quickly take his place. So, no worries.
While we're talking immigration:
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