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ArticlesJune 09, 2020
British YouTuber Goes Nuclear on Daniel Radcliffe for his Sexist 'Transgender Women are Women' Diatribe
Let me catch you up. Over the weekend, J.K. Rowling mocked a headline reading "people who menstruate," wondering if there was such a word for such people who menstruate. I'll include the tweet below. The tweet was seen as being anti-transgender by the same people who think biology is a societal construct so long as they say so. Coming to the defense of dudes who want everyone else to treat them like ladies, Daniel Radcliffe. He released a long diatribe on The Trevor Project website where he parroted all the social justice warrior talking points about how trans ladies are real ladies and we've been here before. Basically it was sexist bullshit which really does give credence to the notion of male privilege. Well, that's when British YouTuber "Kelly-Jay Kean" set up her camera and let the little actor have it. I say little because he's short. I am height-shaming him. I know he has nothing to do with being tiny. Anymore than I have anything to do with being born a woman, or a man being born a man. Some things are just real whether you want to acknowledge them or not.
Daniel Radcliffe. #DanielRadcliffe #HarryPotter #JKRowlingyoutu.be
I share many of Kelly-Jay's points. To say transgender women are women is to say a woman is nothing. If a man can be a woman, then what it means to be a woman doesn't matter.
As promised, here's what got all this bull caca started:
What's even funnier is the stated goal of this opinion piece Rowling tweeted while gently mocking it. The piece is asking about equality for women without calling them women. You can't make this up.
Men and women are different. We're designed differently from conception. There's no getting around it. Being different also means we have different experiences and see the world differently. So as a woman, there are some situations I have to be aware of because they're innately dangerous for me. I've noticed other women are innately aware of the same things: specifically doing things alone where one isn't protected by the group, or even just living alone in general. This isn't to say men do not have these concerns, maybe they do. I just haven't seen a man voice his concern over being anywhere alone.
That's just one example. I bring it up for the same reason Kelly-Kay listed a number of examples of how men and women are different and men don't have the experience of being a woman, much the same way women don't have the experience of being a man. For example, I won't be called to go to war.
But to erase the female experience by erasing what it means to be a woman is rather a sexist exercise, as it is in the reverse to say men's experiences don't matter. If I might be philosophical for one more sentence, the big issue with Daniel Radcliffe and others like him trying to belittle what it means to be a woman by elevating men is the historical nature of men using their superior strength to push women off to the side so the men could run things they way men wanted to run things. For a man to tell a woman to shut up and accept his version of reality, that's incredibly sexist and has sexist roots. But why does a man like Daniel Radcliffe have to care about that?
To her credit, Rowling is doubling down.
Here's hoping she doesn't let up.
REBUTTAL: Abolishing the Police?! | Good Morning #MugClubyoutu.be
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