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ArticlesDecember 19, 2019
J.K. Rowling Steps Up, Defends Woman Fired for Stating a Transwoman isn't a Woman
Who had the far-left J.K. Rowling on their betting list as a celebrity who might actually stand up to the transgender agenda? I admit she was nowhere on mine, not even at the bottom in an alternate category. Yet the anti-Trump, pro-feminist, far-left Rowling went to bat for Maya Forstater, who was fired for essentially stating that a transgender woman wasn't a woman, and lost a follow up court case which spells doom for basic truth.
Here's a little bit on that case from the UK Telegraph:
Maya Forstater, 45, lost her job as a tax expert at the Centre for Global Development in March this year after she was accused of publishing “offensive” tweets questioning government proposals to allow people to self-identify as the opposite sex.Her legal dispute against her former employer was seen as a test case on whether a “gender critical” view – meaning a belief that there are only two biological sexes – is a protected philosophical belief under the 2010 Equality Act.
However, in the landmark judgment published yesterday, employment Judge Tayler decided Ms Forstater’s view “is incompatible with human dignity and fundamental rights of others”.
So the UK courts just shat all over truth and personal rights if those "rights" conflicted with the feelings of others. Isn't that just terrifying.
If Ms Forstater had won the case, it would have legally prevented employers from dismissing staff for expressing the “offensive” view that there are only two biological sexes.
But there are two biological sexes. Male. Female. That's it. The past few years have essentially been The Emperor's New Clothes a child's book about an emperor being hoodwinked into believing his new clothes could only be seen by the most enlightened, when really there were no clothes at all. The emperor paraded around naked and everyone was too scared to question his authority. Until finally one day a child pointed at the emperor and said "He's naked."
Yes, that is the transgender agenda. We all know men are men, women are women, and the two are not interchangeable. Yet anyone who questions the authority of the leftist narrative and agenda is punished. As is happening to Maya Forstater.
Judge Tayler concluded: “If a person has transitioned from male to female and has a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), that person is legally a woman. That is not something [Ms Forstater] is entitled to ignore. [Ms Forstater’s] position is that even if a trans woman has a GRC, she cannot honestly describe herself as a woman. That belief is not worthy of respect in a democratic society.
Judge Taylor may as well have told all the women of the UK to shut up and let the men do the talking.
Whatever you think of J.K. Rowling, set it aside for a second. She is one of the richest women in the world, with wealth created by her and her alone. Already the left is after her, looking for blood, accusing her of being a TERF (trans exclusionary radical feminist) likely in hopes Rowling will cave.
See, stating that a woman is a woman, a man is a man, and one shouldn't be ruined for believing so, is VERBOTEN.
J.K. Rowling doesn't have to cave. She's made hundreds of millions if not a billion dollars already. What's the worst the left can do to her? Tweet at her? Call her names? Exclude her from what exactly? The highest levels of society that few occupy? If Rowling is feeling a bit blue, she can take a holiday to wherever the hell she wants, fanning herself with money, and laugh at the trolls on social media who think they're powerful over an ability to peck at keys.
Just because she doesn't have to, doesn't mean she won't cave, but I have a sneaking suspicion, and yes a hope, she holds out on this. Because all it takes, as we saw with The Emperor's New Clothes, is for one person to state the obvious, and the rest can follow suit.