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ArticlesJanuary 25, 2019
Women's Marcher Melts Down Over MAGA Hats, Claims Emotions Outweigh Facts
We here at Louder With Crowder have certainly seen our fair share of loopy lefties in desperate need of meds. Though, this particular incident may take the cerebrally-scrambled cake. A shaven-headed women's marcher in Los Angeles made eye contact with MAGA hats and went from zero to crazytown in .00135 seconds.
See for yourself:
The pro-Trump group all wore red "Make America Great Again" hats and, judging by the video footage, sought to peacefully engage Women's March demonstrators to discuss politics and culture."This woman confronted us at the recent Women's March in LA," the caption said. "She began by screaming that she did not want equality but wanted the 'the whole f'ing thing' before moving on to MAGA hats, claiming [sic] they incite FEAR and are RACIST!"
Uh, maybe somebody ought to march marcher girl to the nearest mental health facility.
I'm sure she woke up that morning, chromed her dome with her trusty Gillette, and set out to bring the patriarchy to its knees. The last thing she wanted was to be confronted by someone with the audacity to have their own opinion. Poor, poor little flake of snow.
Take notice of how this Manson Family torch-bearer claims emotions outweigh facts. Sure, her position might be as factually accurate as a mini-Trumper interfering with some sick indigenous beats, but she feels her positions are correct. Which, in her pea-brain, is vastly superior. She must have picked up that one from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
This is the direction in which the left is nosediving heading. Comedy doesn't have to be funny. The truth doesn't have to be factually accurate. Lefties don't have to be sane. Oh, sweet meteor of death, grace us with thy presence.
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