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TyrannyAugust 11, 2020
Woman in Australia Choked, Tackled, Arrested for... Not Wearing a Mask?!
I guess police brutality is perfectly fine if it involves choking a woman for not wearing a mask which, at least according to this study from 2015, is actually worse for your health. No matter, welcome to the Post-COVID world of tyranny. A world people such as myself tried warning everyone about, but too many dutiful morons refused to listen as they reveled in the pornographic panic of the pandemic. So here we are. In the land down under, an Australian woman was attacked by police for not wearing a mask. Sure you could say "But that's over there's problem." But based on how too many Americans are mask Nazis here, don't count on it. The video has me in fits of rage, and if it doesn't have you in fits of rage, you're possibly part of the problem.
Not that it matters, but this woman actually DOES have a medical condition which exempted her from the mask mandate. But the woman is OUTSIDE. She's walking BY HERSELF. And a male police officer choked her, took her down to the ground, and arrested her for not wearing a mask.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The original tweets that were in this post have since been deleted, but the video has resurfaced in the below tweet)
She is not wearing a mask, so Australian 🇦🇺 police is suffocating her to prevent her from catching Covid: pic.twitter.com/47MED4WbyL
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) September 24, 2021
This is scary ass shit right here, and if you're not chilled to the core watching it, what is wrong with you? Seriously? Spare me the "she should've just been arrested calmly and followed orders" and the measured "we gotta err on the police's side" malarkey for a second. This wasn't a rear-naked choke. This was a full on frontal choke. This officer should be fired, immediately (in my opinion) for the handling of this incident. And if there's a policy in place saying people who don't wear masks should be arrested, well to hell with that.
If police brutality is wrong, then it's wrong in all cases. It's wrong here.
Secondly, it's not a mystery at all how the Nazis got away with gassing 6 million Jews. I've been horrified and enraged at how willing so many people are to rat out their fellow citizens, to go against them, all under the guise of "our health." Following orders dutifully from on high, from media, and refusing to see any kind of evidence which questions their narrative. Not just liberal people, either. Plenty of conservatives, plenty of moderate people have fallen perfectly in line with the COVID narrative. It scares me, it angers me, and I won't ever forget who went along with this narrative, who hyped it up, and who failed to heed the signs.
Welcome to the new world. It isn't a brave one.
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