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FeaturedMay 18, 2021
SHOW NOTES: Exposing the TRUTH About Anti-Semitism and the Left
Crowder is back at the desk with a very important message: Liberals hate the Jews. We're also exposing how Democrats don't pay taxes. A CNN freelancer is a Hitler stan, Don Lemon has a new show kinda, and Bill Gates took marriage advice from Jeffrey Epstein. Dave Landau guest hosts!
- Anti-Semitism and pro-Hamas rhetoric almost exclusively comes from the LEFT, mainly "the Squad." SOURCES: Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter, Twitter
- This past weekend, AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Bernie Sanders' tweeted about Israel. SOURCES: Twitter, Twitter, Twitter
- Ilhan Omar tweeted: "Israeli Airstrikes killing civilians in Gaza is an act of terrorism."
- AOC tweeted: "Apartheid states aren't democracies."
- Bernie Sanders tweeted: "We must take a hard look at nearly $4 billion a year in military aid to Israel. It is illegal for U.S. aid to support human rights violations."
- Trump unapologetically supported Israel and strongly condemned Hamas.
- Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the American embassy to Jerusalem. SOURCES: RealClearPolitics, ABC
- Trump also brokered four historic peace deals between Israel and Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates. SOURCE: Foreign Policy
- Joe Biden is currently pleading to rejoin the Iran Deal, which would essentially fund Hamas with Iran as the middleman. Iran helped Hamas develop missiles to use against Israel in 2014 and is doing it again. SOURCES: NYT, CBS
- Joe Biden has already started to destroy Trump's peace deals by reimposing an aluminum tariff on the United Arab Emirates and halting arms sales. SOURCES: Politico, CNN
- On May 6, 2019, Trump tweeted: "Once again, Israel faces a barrage of deadly rocket attacks by terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. We support Israel 100% in its defense of its citizens....To the Gazan people — these terrorist acts against Israel will bring you nothing but more misery. END the violence and work towards peace - it can happen!" SOURCE: Twitter
- Compare that to Biden's press secretary Jen Psaki condemning Israel for bombing a building that housed both Hamas and journalists. SOURCES: Daily Mail, The Atlantic
- On Saturday, Psaki tweeted: "We have communicated directly to the Israelis that ensuring the safety and security of journalists and independent media is a paramount responsibility." SOURCE: Twitter
- Democrats often talk about the wealthiest paying their "fair share." Biden drove this point home in his address to Congress a few weeks back. SOURCE: YouTube
- But our former vice president avoided paying taxes for years!
- Biden and his wife, Jill, made $13.3 MILLION in income from book and speaking tours from 2017 to 2018. SOURCE: WSJ
- They avoided paying over $500K in payroll taxes by classifying the income as S-corporation profits rather than taxable wages.
- That sounds an awful lot like the tax loophole Obama and Biden tried to close, because it is. SOURCE: WSJ
- Bernie Sanders emphasized the need for the wealthiest to pay their "fair share" in order to give everyone else free stuff. SOURCE: Twitter
- But in 2014, Bernie Sanders and his wife, Jane, took over $60K in tax deductions. SOURCE: Heavy
- And in 2010, Jane allegedly bolstered donor commitments, and Bernie's office improperly used its influence to secure a $10M loan to purchase 33 acres of land for Burlington College, where Jane was president. SOURCE: CBS
- The college ended up crippled with debt and was forced to close, but not without paying Jane a $200K severance. SOURCE: NYT
- Tim Geithner, Obama's secretary of the treasury, in 2008 had to pay back over $48K after an audit by the Senate Budget Committee revealed Geithner underpaid federal taxes from 2001 to 2006. SOURCE: NYT
- Current climate czar John Kerry avoided paying $500K in taxes by docking his family's $7M yacht "Isabel" out of state. SOURCE: HuffPo
- Ilhan Omar, in 2014 and 2015, illegally filed joint tax returns with her current husband BEFORE they were married. She was with her brother-husband at the time. SOURCE: AP
- Hillary Clinton criticized Donald Trump for not releasing his tax returns during the 2016 election cycle. SOURCE: Twitter
- Financial analysts Lawrence Doyle and John Moynihan of DM Income Advisors alleged the Clinton Foundation owes anywhere from $400M to $2.5B in taxes and submitted complaints to the IRS. SOURCE: Epoch Times
- The Clintons allegedly avoided these taxes by classifying their foundation as a "charity."
- How much do these hypocrites ACTUALLY give to charity?
- In 2014, the Clinton Foundation donated $1,042,000 to charity. $1M of that went to their own nonprofit, the Clinton Family Foundation, which has neither staff nor offices. SOURCE: Snopes
- In 2016, after writing a book that made him a millionaire, Bernie Sanders gave $10K to charity, which is less than 1% of his income. SOURCE: Business Insider
- From 1998 to 2008, Joe Biden gave an average of $369 a YEAR to charity. SOURCE: ABC News
- The highest amount Biden gave was $995 in 2007, or about 0.3% of Biden's income.
- The lowest was just $120 in 1999, 0.1% of income.
- COMPARE this to Trump, who donated his entire presidential salary for all four years. SOURCE: USA Today
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