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EducationAugust 14, 2021
Flipping the Script: School Board Member Actually DEFENDS Parents, Blasts Colleagues Silence Over Doxxing
Loudon County, Virginia. A southern county hasn't been this infamous since Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltraine chased Bo and Luke Duke around the backstreets of Hazzard. In this analogy, the Dukes are represented by a diverse group of parents who are concerned about how the school district wants to indoctrinate their children. Roscoe and Boss Hogg are the mostly mayonnaise-looking Loudon County school board doing the indoctrinating while viciously attacking the parents. One school board member, this Jeffrey Morse fella, sounds like he's had enough.
Tens of thousands of #loudouncounty parents thank @JeffreyMorse3.
He is a moderate, 10-year veteran of the Loudoun County School Board that has had enough of the unprofessionalism he has witnessed over 17 months.
And he unequivocally said exactly what needed to be said. pic.twitter.com/fuB5qC7Sya
— Ian Prior (@iandprior) August 13, 2021
Divisive when a speak attack parents with a comment about their "hate that seems to be dripping off the followers of Jesus." Divisive, when a Facebook group starts a HIT LIST against their own community members asking for information on spouses. On jobs. Even information on CHILDREN of their neighbors so that they can plot against them.
Yes. The pro-CRT Marxists publically organized to try and dox parents who spoke out against their children being indoctrinated. They know they can't win in the arena of ideas. So they looked to destroy the people who dare speak out against them. This is who the left is. It's who the Democrat Party is.
And when school board members are in that Facebook group but don't have the courage to stand here on a dais and apologize to the community members who were flagged, unequivocally denounce the attacks, and condemn the community member who participated ... this is three months and I haven't heard anything.
If I were to guess? It's because his fellow school board members are Marxist scumbags who are a-ok with destroying dissent. Anything that gets in the way of their agenda needs to be eliminated. Or at the very least, board members are afraid they'll be destroyed themselves. For that reason, Morse gets an attaboy for speaking out. Let's see if he still has the courage to do so at the next meeting.
Maybe even denounce the board members BY NAME who support the doxxing. Call me old-fashioned, but when an elected official tries destroying the livelihoods of their constituents, that disqualifies them from being an elected official.
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