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Liberals Call On Bristol Palin to Have an Abortion: A Rebuttal...
When the news broke yesterday that Bristol Palin is pregnant, the media exploded. And not just mainstream media. Social media, right wing media. Everyone had a comment, an opinion, or a joke. Sure everyone has the right to do that, and I don't begrudge them for doing so. But sometimes, we forget that people are still people. I know, life in the public eye and all that. You have to have a thick skin if you're going to live in the limelight. I agree.
Still, the online publication Gawker ran a headline on this story which simply cannot be ignored. It reads, "Bristol Palin Makes Great Argument for Abortion in Baby Announcement."
First off, everyone knows the Palins - including Bristol - are very pro-life. To suggest that Bristol's announcement implies she should have an abortion is both cruel and evil. Cruel to Bristol, and evil in thinking she can't possibly be happy unless she kill the innocent life inside her.
Sure, Bristol's announcement reads in part,
I’ve been trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one...When life gets tough, there is no other option but to get tougher...
I know this has been, and will be, a huge disappointment to my family, to my close friends, and to many of you... Tripp, this new baby, and I will all be fine, because God is merciful.
Gawker would have you believe that Bristol needing to keep her chin up, and the disappointment mentioned in her statement, indicate that no one in the Palin family wants this new baby... therefore, she should have an abortion.
Let's take a step back for a minute. Just one month ago, Bristol was engaged and walking towards a life of happily ever after with Dakota Meyer. That didn't work out. Breakups are emotional. They're hard. So yes, Bristol has probably earned the right to be a little overwhelmed right now. Even if she's made some pretty dang poor decisions in the process. It happens to all of us.
As for the disappointment, that has nothing to do the baby. Then why would Bristol say this pregnancy has been and will be a disappointment, you ask? Because after her first pregnancy, Bristol became a powerful advocate for abstinence (which, by the way, remains the only 100% sure-fire way not to become pregnant). Since we all know where babies come from, this pregnancy means that Bristol - a human being - failed to practice what she's been preaching.
Yes, Bristol Palin failed. She failed to hit the high standard she's attempted to set. As a result, her life just got a lot harder. Bristol's not sugar coating it. Nor is she asking that of anyone else. This is going to be hard. It's hard to be a single mom of two. Even harder when the media's constantly scrutinizing your every move.
But you know what? Bristol and baby will be fine. Why? Because she knows she messed up and that God is merciful and forgives when we mess up.
Speaking of mercy, here's what Gawker had to say about God and his mercy,
(God's) not so merciful, of course, to suggest that she has any choice in this matter.
In one sense, yeah Gawker. You're kinda right. God has a lot to say about killing children, and none of it is particularly pleasant for those who practice such horrific things. But you're also wrong. Bristol did have a choice. She could have said no. She could have walked away. Bristol could have practiced what she preached. But she didn't. She messed up. She knows that.
The cool thing about the God that Bristol believes in, though? He doesn't just show mercy to his children. He takes our mistakes and our failures and turns them into something good. Romans 8:28 says, "All things work together for good for those who love God."
That's why abortion isn't an option for Bristol Palin. Even though she failed to live up to what she holds as Godly standards, her God is awesome. And he's taken that moment of failure and turned it into an incredible blessing - a new baby Palin.
That's what you call a miracle.
by Krystal Heath, follow her on Twitter