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ArticlesFebruary 06, 2020
Watch: Leftist student freaks out, loses his tiny mind in anti-Trump rant
Watching a leftist freak out is the entertainment equivalent of eating a donut. There's no real benefit to it, but man is it fun. Yesterday, the Senate acquitted The Bad Orange Man (President Donald Trump, to you sane people) of all impeachment charges, thus ending any hopes the Democrats could just boot him out of office rather than winning an election fair and square. The news didn't sit well with leftists equipped with the maturity level of hangry toddlers. One such specimen is a student at Arizona State University, who let it all yell out at the Students for Trump. Oh yes, the students had a camera rolling.
If you can't see the video in the tweet below for some weird reason, scroll down to see a news report.
As the current meme-y expression goes: "Inject this right into my veins."
Listen, I can understand being upset when something doesn't go your way. For example, this morning my alarm clock went off, as it always does, at the time I set it. Rude. So between last night and this morning, I wasn't made miraculously and abundantly wealthy, thus eliminating the need to rise and shine hours before the sun has itself risen and shinethed. What the actual hell.
But I soldiered on with nary a cry to God about the unfairness of my plight. Please, hold your applause. Your cheer is unnecessary. I know I am a hero, but I need only recognition, no celebrations.
More importantly, imagine how sweet little Nancy Pelosi felt all day yesterday. Imagine how she must feel right now. Remember, it's just terrible to celebrate in other's misery. Or so some idiot probably said because he was a douche and hated it when people laughed, pointed and danced around when he face-planted in a muddy puddle. So screw it. If you see Nancy, or really any leftists, frowning, you just go ahead and add that spring to your step.
Editor’s Note
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