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InternationalJanuary 31, 2022
Jordan Peterson Sends Powerful Message About Freedom Convoy: 'Trudeau Has Literally Abandoned the City'
The Freedom Convoy, a convoy of truckers protesting Canada's mandates and lockdowns, has arrived in Ottawa. Prime Minister Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau said the truckers' message of "freedom" is "unacceptable." Prominent voices from America and England have lent their words of solidarity. Now, my favorite Canadian outside of Bret Hart has spoken out: Jordan Peterson. The professor has three simple words: seize the day.
Peterson specifically called out Aaron O' Toole, the leader opposition/conservative party, and some other Canadian leaders. The people have made their voices heard. What the hell are you chaknuckleheads waiting for?
Seize the Day | The Freedom Convoyyoutu.be
"You've got a huge number of Canadians occupying Ottawa, expressing their dismay with the suspension of our charter rights in the face of this so-called emergency. Our prime minister has literally abandoned the city, run away, as far as I can tell, citing security concerns because I think he believes his own propaganda about the nature of the people who are sitting in Ottawa. And then lying about it, justifying it as a consequence of being exposed to COVID despite the fact he's double vaccinated and tested negative. You're not going to get a better opportunity. "
"This is your moment, conservatives in Canada. You could come out and say to the population, say to the people who are desperate to hear this, that we can have our lives returned to normal. And that there's still some danger but that we've got this. With competent leadership and care, we could return our lives to what they should be. We could have our country back. We could move forward into the future in a normal manner."
"Our government is in disarray and the people are doing everything they can to make their wants known. Guys, reassure Canadians. Remove these mandates that are crippling our businesses and interfering with our private lives and stopping us from being able to travel. Seize the day."
It might be too much of an ask. If the convoy hasn't gotten the opposition to "seize the day" yet, and the Canadian government stripping more rights from citizens in petty retaliation hasn't, I don't know what else will. And I know this is just me saying this on the better half of the Canadian/US border. But it sure seems like a prime opportunity for someone to take Peterson's advice and lead.
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Joe Rogan Responds to Spotify Cancel-Culture Lunatics | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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