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Dear Milwaukee #BlackLivesMatter Thugs: You're Just Grown Up Brats in Need of a Spanking...
Dear spoiled, undisciplined, hateful adult children,
You may have yourself a trending hashtag, but strip away the pound sign and you're nothing more than children throwing temper tantrums. If only you'd shove pacifiers in your mouths, maybe we could have a rational discussion. Unfortunately, since you're silencing any logical dialogue, I'm left comparing your movement to an unruly daycare center. I fully realize that this is a great disservice to those finger-painting toddlers in daycare.
Recently a black cop shot a black criminal who turned a stolen gun on that black cop. This is what we call an "open and shut" case. Aim a gun at a cop, consider yourself dead.
But because your movement's built its foundation on the sands of false narratives, truth never mattered. We saw the same childish reaction to Korryn Gaines, the braided harpy who used her child as a meat shield, then aimed a loaded shotgun at the cops.
But hey, a black guy got shot, ergo RAGE. Even though the victim? Deserved it. You know, aiming a gun at a cop and all. Ask Korryn.
It's like you found a "how to be a festering pile of human feces" list and followed it to the letter. Which is surprising, considering your reading comprehension is two grades above that of a rubber duck.
Journalists entered this war zone to document the news you insisted on creating. For most movements, news coverage is seen as a positive. That whole "no such thing as bad publicity" line. Just spell your name right. Which they did, hashtag and all. But you encountered a problem: your own destructively pathetic selves. Those same journalists there to cover YOUR story, YOUR movement, were forced to leaved. Because you attacked them. Why? Other than some of said journalists "appeared white," Black Lives Matter claims the media was "whitewashing" true stories. Ironic, considering this story y'all are protesting? IT WAS A BLACK COP WHO SHOT A BLACK CRIMINAL.
Prediction: once the cameras are gone, when no one covers your pandemonium? You'll steal the nearest bullhorn and cry racism, because black Americans "Need a voice! We've been silenced!" Even though it was you turdnuggets who drove them out with your violence in the first place.
Milwaukee is but a rerun on bad TV. Cities such as yours -- Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago -- are just big-daddy government cities who never disciplined their children. You. You're the children. In case I hadn't made that point clear enough.
These cities never scolded you. They never taught you basic table manners: It's not nice to break things. It's not nice to shoot innocent people over an incident that isn't real. They didn't teach you about "make believe" or "acting out." And no, blaming all of your woes on white people? Not going to work either. Especially when one takes a closer look at the leadership of your city: they're mostly black. So you can keep bitching about white people all you want. I'll just keep laughing.
Look, your cities do not need to be run like Lord of the Flies. I was in Dallas this week, amazed as to how racially integrated it was. Thanks to leftist narratives, you'd expect the South to be the opposite. But blacks, Asians, Latinos and Indians all inter-married, gathering at the same places. Even out in the suburbs, an area which is stereotypically "white." Know why? Because unlike Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago and Milwaukee (all cities under liberal Democrat rule for at least half a century), when criminals threw a fit, the city didn't acquiesce. The city handled them promptly. As they should.
Cities which haven't been torched by hooligans, simply focused on what mattered: creating a workforce, nurturing a healthy economy, promoting incentives for businesses to invest and innovate. Guess who benefits from a city focused on law, order, justice, real peace and prioritizes its citizens personal successes, rather than turning it into a "place to destroy"? Sort of a trick question. Everyone benefits. Including black Americans who live there.
So Black Lives Matter, if the quality of your life actually matters? Grow the hell up. Knockoff the bitchfests. Stop destroying your own cities, stop destroying businesses and the lives of hard-working black Americans who created them. Until then, until you can control your juvenile rages, until you can respect the truth rather than distort it, until you can wipe your own posteriors, you'll have to keep being smacked down by adults like Sheriff David Clarke (watch David Clark: Blame Culture, Not Cops for Milwaukee). Until you can pick up after yourselves, until you can look in the mirror and recognize yourselves as the problem, you'll be treated like the brats you clearly are.
Written by Courtney Kirchoff and Steven Crowder