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ArticlesJune 14, 2019
WATCH: Transgender Track Star Claims He's "Disadvantaged" Racing Against Girls
Here's a new one. A dude, who looks very much like a dude, is now saying that being a tranny while racing against ladies puts him at a disadvantage. Why, do you ask? Because he's taking hormones, dummy. Duh. Injecting foreign hormones into his all-male body means he actually has to work harder than the ladies whose bodies are flooded with natural estrogen rather than the strength enhancing hormone of testosterone. Which he's trying to decrease, as there's just so dang much of it. You really have to see this.
My body is going through so many medical implications. It's going through biochemistry changes. So, being on hormone replacement therapy, it gives you... so if you have muscle depletion, if your muscles are deteriorating you lose a lot of strength because testosterone is where you get you our strength and your agility.
Okay, setting aside the usual ranting and raving about men mansplaining about the male not-privilege or something, testosterone is where men derive their strength and agility. It is this abundance of testosterone which gives men unfair physical advantages over women who were born with a fraction of testosterone. All the hormone blockers in the world don't change that YOU'RE A MAN, BABY! Higher bone density, faster twitching muscles, and more T. Lots more T. Related Male Track Star Steals National Championship from a Woman. Because “Transgender!” and Transgender Tracks Stars Take First AND Second Place Away From Girls.
In no universe is a dude, even if he's shooting estrogen while pinning avocado recipes, listening to Enya and getting a pedicure, at a physical disadvantage in female sports. Unless the sport is either menstruating for time, pregnancy AMRAPs, or booby box jump overs. In which case maybe ladies have the upper hand.
Once again sexism and patriarchy rears its face-painted head. A man telling ladies he's a victim while he's victimizing ladies. Isn't equality just swell?