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ArticlesSeptember 11, 2019
WATCH: Comedian Tom Walker, aka Jonathan Pie, on Being Targeted by the Left
We're in a fascinating time in comedy, where even comedians who are clearly not on our side of the aisle get attacked for pointing out, "You know, we on the left can be daft as well." Listen to this interview with Tom Walker a.k.a Jonathan Pie (see WATCH: Satirist Jonathan Pie Mocks Progressives Who are Obsessed with being Oppressed and British Satirist Jonathan Pie: Not Everyone Who Disagrees with You is a Nazi [VIDEO]).
If you watched any of his videos, you'd have to be an idiot to think he was right-wing. Yet this is our world in 2019.
I've been amazed how many comedians, certainly on the mainstream, who are frightened at having a go at the excesses of identity polictics and things like that. And it's no wonder. When I did that piece about how bad Hillary Clinton is. Or when I've done speeches about freedom of speech, which is something I believe passionately in. I have had huge amount of abuse from comedians who have their own television show on the BBC. I've been called all sorts of horrible [things].
Everything in today's society seems to be right vs left, red pill vs blue pill. But in comedy, the battle lines are drawn differently between people who want to limit what you can joke about vs people who have to joke about it for that very reason. See also Dave Chappelle. One side has all the bitter leftists. The other more diverse side has all the people who have a sense of humor.
The side that is able to laugh at each other is generally the side who is able to get the most done, not just in politics but in life. They also aren't insufferable ducheburritos. This makes us more palatable as human beings, invited to all the parties. Hence at some point, even left-leaning folks will gravitate toward us. Hey, can't blame them. Our side has cookies. Made with gluten and butter. None of that vegan sh!t.