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ArticlesSeptember 09, 2019
WATCH: Bill Maher Devours Democrats Over the Fat Acceptance Movement
On his most recent show, Bill Maher touched on something "problematic" about Democrats and health care. They have all these expensive plans that make things worse and more complicated. Yet, never a mention of how people need to take their health into their own hands. What with "personal responsibility" being something only privileged cis white men do or something. It's even gotten worse now the left is the party of fat pride (see Celebrate Fat But… Demonize Fit?! and FAT PRIDE: The Unfiltered, Unpopular Truth!).
All the candidates will talk about their health plans, but no one will mention a key factor. The citizens don't do anything to help.Can fat be beautiful? That's in the eye of the beholder. But healthy? No. That's science. I know this is a controversial thing to say now in today's America. But being fat? That's a bad thing.
Unfortunately, this is the Democratic Party. Instead of encouraging you to take responsibility for your own health, they'd rather take your unhealthy decisions away from you. Because it's not your fault. It's the fault of the millionaires and billionaires selling you unhealthy food. Not you shoveling pounds of it into your mouth.
I don't mean to sound like a hypocrite. Anyone who follows me on the Twitters knows how much I enjoy me some food. Also, a healthy serving of double entendres when I'm showing off my meat.
But I also do things like exercise, moderate my food intake -- this is the big one -- not cry when someone points out that I should lose some weight that I know I should lose.
Everyone, for the most part, would agree health care costs should be cheaper. But if many of us took better care of ourselves and took our health into our own hands, we wouldn't have to pay the costs in the first place.