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PostsSeptember 16, 2019
OPINION: Brett Kavanaugh Did Nothing Wrong
May history remember Brett Kavanaugh for who he is, what he endured, and how he endured it. May history also remember those who sought his destruction in order to keep tight control over the lucrative business of slaughtering unborn children.
Be not surprised a political ideology built on the soft skulls of children would engage in political assassinations of those who pose even a benign threat to it.
Over the weekend, The New York Times Opinion section ran a hit piece alleging Brett "I like beer" Kavanaugh engaged in sexual misconduct over the Labor Day weekend. Wait... no, scratch that. Silly me, with all the kerfuffle I thought for sure the incident was recent, with iPhone video floating all over Twitter. My mistake, the piece alleged Kavanaugh engaged in sexual misconduct aaaalllll the way back in his college years when Kavanaugh used the word "boof" unironically. The one tiny little baby hiccup is the alleged victim of this alleged sexual misconduct doesn't seem to remember such an incident taking place, forcing The New York Times to do what it should've done if it had a modicum of decency: be honest.
What resulted is what is heretofore the most embarrassing Editor's Note on record:
“Editors’ Note: An earlier version of this article, which was adapted from a forthcoming book, did not include one element of the book’s account regarding an assertion by a Yale classmate that friends of Brett Kavanaugh pushed his penis into the hand of a female student at a drunken dorm party. The book reports that the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say that she does not recall the incident. That information has been added to the article.”
One year after rabid, hateful Democrats took aim at Brett Kavanaugh, the man is still as innocent of sexual misconduct crimes as ever before. Making Christy Ford even more of a lying harlot. Related: Dear Dr. Christine Blasey Ford: We Need to Talk.
I'm not sure how the stellar geniuses of The Times think memory works, but usually, people remember sexual assault or misconduct. Attacks of a perverted, sexual nature tends to be something people try to forget, as the incident of being treated like a sex doll is rather a scarring thing. No matter, when a man's potential ruling on a potential case which may potentially upset a legal precedent presents itself as a potential threat, caution be damned.
Still, Brett Kavanaugh did nothing wrong.
In fact, in chatting with two of my LWC compadres, Research Reg said this: There is more evidence Epstein was murdered than evidence Kavanaugh did anything wrong. Which is to say: not much.
Let me be clear about something: college frat guys are not the definition of class or sophistication. Nor are sorority girls. Stated for equality and to spare the bitchy comments from bros who get so easily triggered. It wouldn't surprise me if some kind of hijinks, sexual or otherwise, occurred at a fraternity event where Brett Kavanaugh was present. It also wouldn't surprise me if much of the stories coming from back in the day are also overhyped. Many frat guy stories are oversold in order to impress other frat guys. Go ahead, tell me I'm full of boofs.
Yet the evidence is scant that Brett Kavanaugh did anything in his school days other than chug beer and coin my favorite euphemism for passing gas.
The Times, in concert with Democrats, is still seeking the destruction via discrediting of a SUPREME COURT JUSTICE (typed in all caps to own the libs) all because that JUSTICE may possibly vote against some kind of pro-abortion case, thus eventually eroding the Democrats' most holy sacrament of baby butchery. A sacrament that fills their coffers with gold.
Not new information, may I add. We knew Democrats were panicked their precious Roe v. Wade might meet the same treatment its doled out to millions of unborn babies. Democrats' and media's method of attacks against Kavanaugh are also nothing new. No, what we have here is the same attack against the same man for the same reason, just one year later. To remind him what the Democrats are capable of, not just to Kavanaugh, but anyone else who threatens their abortion cash cow.
Brett Kavanaugh did nothing wrong. But anyone, ANYONE, who dares endanger what the Democrats hold most dear must be terminated before they have a chance.