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InternationalSeptember 12, 2023
Court rules hospital can condemn teen with rare disorder to death, even though the teen wants to "try to live"
Pay attention, America. When leftists in this country want government-controlled health care, or "single payer" health care, or whatever new term they come up with to hide that it's socialized medicine, they point to how Europe has single-payer and we want to be like them. They want us to be like the UK's National Health Service.
The NHS. Where they will let you go blind to cut costs, amputate your leg instead of treating your leg, and take you to court when you have a rare disorder and don't want to die. That latest one is why we're here today. An NHS hospital asked the Court of Protection to authorize the removal of life-saving medical treatment for a teen, even though the teen doesn't want them to.
"ST" is suffering from a rare genetic mitochondrial disease.
The NHS hospital argues that while ST’s prognosis is uncertain, she is "actively dying." They want the court to approve a "palliative care plan" that has ST no longer receiving dialysis. She'd die from kidney failure within days.
Hospital psychiatrists "have told the court that she is not suffering from any mental health illness and has the mental capacity to make decisions about her own medical treatment."
ST's decision is to "die trying to live." She wants to be given a chance to "participate in clinical trials of nucleoside therapy, which are due to resume in Canada later this year and would give her a chance of survival."
So the hospital argued ST's refusal to listen to her doctors and accept dying is the same as her suffering from a "delusion." Side note: How many times have you heard over the past few years to "trust the science" and "trust the experts?"
The court agrees with the hospital:
The judge said that, "ST" was mentally incapable of making decisions for herself because "she does not believe the information she has been given by her doctors." The judge ruled that decisions about ST's further care should be determined by the Court of Protection based on an assessment of her best interests.
There's that "trust the experts" again.
This part is cute too. "ST" isn't staying anonymous by her decision. The court is ordering her to.
Her family has spent their entire life savings to treat the girl, the Christian Legal Centre said, and wants to go to the public to raise funds for the expensive treatment, but cannot due to a "transparency order" requested by the hospital which bars reporting any information which might identify "ST", her family, or the hospital.
A court ruled a 19-year-old does not have the mental capacity to make her own medical decisions because she disagrees with her doctors. The girl wants to live. The doctors want her to die. The courts ruled with the doctors because they're the "experts."
Pay attention, America.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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