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ArticlesFebruary 26, 2024
Watch: Gavin Newsom Launches Insane Abortion Ad Where Teen Is Handcuffed To Hospital Bed
At least 99 percent of women who obtain an abortion do so for reasons other than rape. But the left does not care about reality because their entire platform is a fear-mongering death cult. That is why they make up things to scare people into thinking that there is an epidemic of 14-year-olds “needing” abortions as a result of assault. But anyone with a fraction of a brain knows that couldn't be further from the truth.
If it were not for Republicans, teenage girls would be shackled to hospital beds and forced to give birth. Well, that is at least according to Gov. Gavin Newsom's super PAC Abortion Ad that intends to mislead the public regarding a proposed bill in Tennessee, about minors getting abortions out of state, without parental consent.
California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom’s super PAC launched a misleading television ad in Tennessee on Friday, which uses fearmongering to spread misconceptions about a proposed bill designed to keep minors from being trafficked out of state for abortions without parental consent.
The ad from Campaign for Democracy is titled “Hostage” and depicts a pregnant minor, who appears to have been sexually assaulted, handcuffed to a hospital bed, screaming. The narrator of the video tells viewers, “Trump Republicans want to criminalize young women who travel to receive the reproductive care they need. Don’t let them hold Tennessee women hostage.”
That does not even make any sense. There is no reason a person needs to leave Tennessee for anything medically necessary. But the people who vote solely with the intent of ensuring the right to abortion are not what you would call “mentally sane.” So I guess this video is directed towards those voters.
The advertisement appears to be an effort to paint the proposed legislation as a bill that would criminalize young girls who go out of state for abortions. To the contrary, the proposed bill (House Bill 1895 and its companion Senate Bill 1971) would outlaw “recruit[ing], harbor[ing], or transport[ing] a pregnant unemancipated minor” within the state for the purpose of concealing a criminal abortion from parents or guardians, procuring an act that would constitute a criminal abortion regardless of where it is procured, or obtaining abortion drugs for the minor for a criminal abortion. A violation of the law would be a Class C felony.
What if a teen went out of state to get an abortion and later regretted it?
Democrats don’t care about that because they like to pretend abortion is a “choice.” But by definition, someone can make the wrong choice, especially when they are not even old enough to vote. The fight for abortion is not about doing what is morally just, it is solely based on the premise that women should be able to decide if their child’s life is sacred. But no human has the right to make that “choice.” This was already decided by God. But Democrats like to turn the government into their savior so none of this is surprising.
“These guys are not just restricting the rights, self-determination to bear a child for a young woman, but they’re also determining their fate as it relates to their future in life by saying they can’t even travel,” Newsom claimed in a Meet the Press interview Saturday.
Maybe Newsom’s PAC should focus on ending the zombie apocalypse in California before getting involved in other policies on the other side of the country. And the last thing that Tennessee needs is advice from Sacramento.
It seems as if the election is going to come down to Democrats demanding the right to kill babies and Republicans demanding the border be secured.
The abortion movement is the most evil among the many degenerate causes on the left that rely on very naive individuals and nothing else but lies. The child is by all definitions: logically, scientifically, and morally, a human life. But all the left can rely on is false euphemisms like “it’s a choice” or “it’s a fetus.” These statements are so painfully ignorant and asinine that you would think that the only people capable of believing such lies are too stupid to even remember to brush their teeth. But then again, it’s not uncommon for a leftist to have terrible hygiene so that might just explain it.
The fact that they cannot even keep their lack of logic consistent is a blatant proclamation of their stupidity. It’s a clump of cells if the woman does not want it but it’s a baby if she does. It’s horrible if she has a miscarriage if the baby is desired, but celebratory to kill the child if undesired. It’s a choice if the woman gets an abortion but double murder if someone else does it. There is no logic in anything these people say since their stance on abortion is abhorrent and evil, to say the very least.
Crowder Debates Two Woke Abortion Extremists!www.youtube.com