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crimeFebruary 12, 2024
Illegal migrant cries after arrest... though not so much when he shot a tourist in Times Square
A very violent teen migrant did not cry when he shot a tourist in Times Square. He did not cry after that. But as far as we know, the only time he cried was when he was arrested for the crime. But someone should have told this psycho that in America we have the following saying: If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.
The teen was arrested the day after he shot a woman but was previously wanted for an armed robbery.
It is unclear as to why the migrant had a firearm considering it’s illegal to have one at that age and Democrats keep telling us that infringing on the Second Amendment will prevent illegal shootings, even though shooting someone is already illegal. So it appears that he has obtained the weapon unlawfully. This again is weird because I thought gun deaths would jump to zero if the Democrats made it illegal.
Maybe someone should let officials know that criminals don’t tend to follow the law.
‘Armed and dangerous’ teen migrant from Venezuela cries after arrest over Times Square shootingwww.youtube.com
Does anyone understand how someone can cry so hard, yet not produce any tears?
Also, it's unclear who the balling woman is in the background. But I would not surprised if she did not cry like this when an innocent citizen was shot by the suspect.
“A teenager gunman burst into tears as he was hauled away in handcuffs for allegedly shooting a tourist in the leg after opening fire in Times Square.
Jesus Alejandro Rivas-Figueroa, 15, a migrant from Venezuela, was arrested by US Marshals in Yonkers after a nearly day-long manhunt.
NYPD Deputy Chief of Detectives Jason Savino called him a 'very, very violent' suspect who recklessly fired a 'very large' .45 caliber handgun in a crowded area of New York City.
But the baby-faced alleged bandit, who was also wanted for armed robbery, looked more like a scared child crying for his mother.”
The suspect shot at a security guard after he was confronted about stealing a coat. But he missed and the bullet hit the victim who was in line to buy a pair of shoes. And while he was escaping the scene, he fired two more times at police.
It’s unclear if someone told the teen that they don’t prosecute foreign nationals in America. Because that is what he must have thought to be acting the way he was. But what is clear is that he has no regard for human life. So much so that a coat was worth shooting at people. A coat was worth more than life.
The Detective even said the suspect had no “thought for who he might hit or kill.”
But then he goes and cries. He is not only evil but he is also pathetic, to say the very least.
That said, it's unclear where his mommy is. But he seems to need her now more than ever.
Poor Asian Lady Assaulted In LAWLESS New York | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com