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CultureApril 16, 2024
Watch: Chaos And Riots Erput Outside Houston IRS Office After Only Staying Open For One Hour Just Days Before Tax Deadline
“Houston, we have a problem.”
Tax Season is when taxpayers supposedly pay their “fair share.”
The government will tax our hard-earned cash, and then we will spend the rest of our cash that was already taxed and buy more taxed things with our already taxed money while we live in a home that is also taxed and if we don't pay those taxes then the government will take away the home that we paid for on top of taxes.
The government supposedly runs society with this cash. But they never seem to be held accountable if your tire goes flat from a pothole that was never fixed or if the fruits of your labor go to an illegal alien getting free healthcare while you are not only paying taxes but struggling to pay your premiums.
We call this “taxation without representation.”
The bureaucracy cannot be held accountable for not keeping up with their side of the forced bargain, but you can. The government calls this “fair” but some call this “extortion.” However, one thing is clear, we did not throw tea in the Boston harbor for nothing.
Rather than write a check to the IRS, some are “refunded” an amount that was overpaid to the government. This was money that could have grown in value had the government not been overly greedy in helping itself to Americans' paychecks. Nonetheless, if the government owes someone money, they better pay up because "I ain’t doing no playing.” Which I think is a phrase that means “you messed up.”
Chaos erupted at the Houston IRS office over the weekend just DAYS before Tax Day. Americans were forced to wait hours and hours in a never-ending line just for the bureaucracy to call it quits for the day. Subsequently, a riot ensued outside the office.
An IRS office in Houston was forced to close early over the weekend – just two days before the Tax Day deadline – after a fight broke out and people rushed into the building to get help with their taxes.
It happened during the IRS' Tax Assistance event. Hundreds of people lined up early Saturday morning in hopes of getting help with their taxes before the Monday deadline, but were blindsided as the office abruptly closed due to a fight between two people waiting in line.
"They opened the gates like around 9 or 10 a.m. and I think a couple of people started fighting, so after that, they told everybody to go home," Katrel Johnson, a visitor at the tax center who drove more than two hours for tax help, told FOX 26.
To add more chaos to the situation, FOX 26 reported that a large crowd of people tried to enter the building at the same time.
"All of a sudden everybody went in when they opened the door, and bum rushed and started skipping," said Tonya Johnson, a visitor at the IRS center.
The office was supposed to close at 4 pm, according to website hours, but instead closed right before 11 am, leaving many frustrated.
They could not even stay open for one hour. Pathetic. Just pathetic. It was two days before taxes were due and they didn't even staff the place appropriately. If there was ever a time to take advantage of a temporary staffing agency, that was it!
"I ain’t doing no playing. This is the second month I came out here, and I’m not going to play with the IRS," one angry taxpayer told FOX 26.
You may be wondering why these people waited until the last minute to take care of their taxes. But I am not here to victim shame. I am here to bash the IRS and nothing more.
In a statement sent to FOX 26, the IRS said in part- "delays on Saturday occurred due to overwhelming taxpayer demand for assistance, and the IRS is committed to serving those who weren’t able to receive help in person."
The IRS better be committed to serving Americans. What a foolish statement. It’s logically equivalent to saying, “The fire department is committed to putting out fires.” Like, oh really?!?!
This is unacceptable and extremely pathetic that IRS agents ran away after the chaos erupted due to THEIR incompetence.
To be clear, I am not condoning riots or fights. Not even when they are “mostly peaceful.” Nonetheless, the IRS is worthy of condemnation, and it is infuriating that they are so pathetic they cannot even staff properly TWO DAYS BEFORE the tax deadline.
"Unfortunately, they did everything as a walk-in, no appointments and that’s really what caused all these problems," said Henry Castro, another visitor at the IRS center.
A one-legged woman was also furious over these circumstances.
Have you ever been on hold for over an hour, just for the other line to disconnect the moment the customer service rep answered? It seems as if that also happened to her, as she did not put that phone down.
“You feel me?” she said. Which I think is slang for “Can you understand what I am saying?”
And to her, I say: Yes, the frustration is understandable. Especially considering she may still be on hold as of typing this.
Hopefully, none of these people wait until the Saturday before Tax Day next year to pay and/or get refunded "their fair share."
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