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CultureAugust 02, 2021
Sick: A little girl has her lemonade stand shut down as a naked homeless man's allowed to wander the street
Summertime means two things. Cute little kids setting up lemonade stands, and mean old local government officials shutting them down. That's what happened in Everett, Washington where Else, age 7, was told she wasn't allowed to set up shop because of zoning laws or something. Meanwhile, homeless are free to set up wherever they feel like. Yes, shocking as this sounds, a city on the left coast has a homeless problem. This was evident when one walked into the news shot while the interview was going on.
(That's the naked homeless man).
Young girl's lemonade stand in Everett shut down while nearby homeless camp remainsyoutu.be
Elsa like she does every year sells lemonade. She sells drinks, treats, and flowers. This year she was run out of business. Quote Elsa: "There was a wicked witch who called the ranger."
Elsa was told she had to shut down because "the city doesn't allow people to peddle products on public property." And because of one snitch @$ little b*tch complaining, Elsa had to close up shop. That's not even the part to make you stabby. THAT part is that the calls complaining about the nearby homeless encampment go unanswered. Because, again, this is the left coast. The homeless are a protected class there.
To illustrate Everett's homeless problem, while Elsa was being interviewed a naked homeless man wandered into the shoot. Elsa was ushered off to safety. Police were called. Sadly, there wasn't time for Elsa's father to beat the crap out of the naked guy walking up to his daughter. Though in the homeless naked man's defense, he may not have known where he was. The man still needs a beat down. He just may not have been a pervert.
When conservatives say "you get the government you vote for," this is what we mean. The people living there voted for leaders who are anti-little girls, pro-homeless. They are most likely the same voters who support Joe Biden and the leftists who control him. Ironic, since Biden is known for being PRO-little girls. It's why they need to be kept away from him as well.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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