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CultureNovember 18, 2023
Comedian Shares Wild Story On Joe Rogan Podcast: Animal Control Told Me California’s Wild Animals Are On Drugs
For quite some time, liberals have been saying that prohibitions against drugs have triggered a crime wave, and just like the prohibition of alcohol, legal penalties against drugs must end. Some even went as far as to claim that criminal penalties are not a deterrent when it comes to drug use.
Liberals in California decided to make simple possession of cocaine a misdemeanor offense.
Well, things have gotten so bad that even the animals are getting hooked on drugs.
Doped-out raccoons appear to be the new reality residents may have to deal with in the Golden State.
The wildlife in California, especially raccoons and coyotes, are tripping on Fentanyl, comedian Whitney Cummings told Joe Rogan during a podcast interview released Nov. 10.
Cummings’ said she found a raccoon in her backyard that was “acting really weird.” She noted how these animals typically like to sleep in a high-up spot in a tree, passed out over the branch.
Fentanyl Coyotes in California #jre #joerogan #whitneycummings#standupcomedywww.youtube.com
Usually, they’ll scurry away if you get too close. But even when she poked the little guy with a stick, Cummings’ raccoon wouldn’t move.
“I’m like, ‘I have this raccoon in my tree,’” Cummings told Animal Control, but the response was, “Yeah, that’s where they live,” which she called “the most California f***ing response.”
Cummings was concerned that the raccoon was sick or had rabies and she didn’t want a coyote to eat it because that would only escalate the problem to a rabid coyote.
“I’m like, ‘Yeah, no, this is where I live, b****,” she said, but the animal control staffer told her that “a lot of the wild animals in California are acting really weird right now because people are testing their cocaine for fentanyl. And if it tests positive, they flush it down the toilet, so there’s fentanyl in the water.”
I guess the cartels have not told the coyotes that it's an awful business move to get hooked on your own supply.
This is not the only progressive run area where wild animals may be getting hooked on drugs. There was a sudden increase in aggressive raccoon attacks in Portland over the summer.
Oregon Catalyst suggested that the abundance of raccoons and illicit drugs in Portland may well have caused this reality.
“With so many raccoons and so many drugs everywhere, the chances that some of these creatures are stoned are possible and never zero,” the outlet noted.
Drug abuse has gotten so bad that it is not wreaking havoc on wildlife. At the very least, this proves that the left should not be taken seriously over their cries to legalize more drugs.