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cringeDecember 06, 2023
Watch: DINKs are the new TikTok trend bragging about not having kids, but they just look like losers
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As I'm sure most of you have seen on the interwebs, DINKs are the latest viral rage. It stands for "Dual Income, No Kids." I would call them "Couple Under Counting Kids," but to each their own. Couples, presumably married, bragging about how awesome their lives are without children.
I don't have an issue with people deciding they don't want kids. Quite frankly, there are plenty of people who have kids who should have decided they don't want kids. However, when you are marketing yourselves with an acronym for the sake of social media content, you enter the arena where it is fairplay to point out what absolute losers you look like.
Here is a couple bragging about their DINK lifestyle on a Saturday morning. They woke up, drank coffee, went grocery shopping, and decorated the Christmas tree. So... they did all the things a family does, minus going to CYO basketball and enjoying watching their kids discover themselves as they laugh with their friends. The only difference is that the family drinks their coffee at home instead of paying eight bucks for one. The basketball costs money.
And these people are just assholes who, much like the other couple, list a lot of things that parents do as well. Grocery shopping, working out, golf, ordering appetizers. Only they BRAG about spending money on $8 lattes.
Some of what they say is true. Parents don't have as much discretionary income and can't jaunt off to Europe on a whim. It's in exchange for spontaneous dance parties, wrestling around, giggles, father-daughter dances, mother-son events, little league, Nerf wars, and those quiet times when you're all together that can't be quantified.
According to family a procreation expert, DINKs exhibit "an awful morality to those who deliberately have no kids: they are effectively demanding that other people’s kids take care of them in their old age. That’s messed up."
Also, and more importantly, your content is gay and stupid.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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