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WATCH: Ronald Reagan Wins Father of the Year Award
Before he was busy being (arguably) the best President of our lifetime, Ronald Reagan had many auspicious accomplishments.
A superb athlete, he played college football. After graduating college, he became a radio announcer, a role which would eventually lead him into a Hollywood career. Reagan starred in 53 films and became President of the Screen Actors Guild prior to being elected to the Governorship of California from 1967-1975. From 1981-1989, Ronald Reagan championed freedom around the world - achieving peace through strength - in his two terms as President of the United States.
Amid his many great accomplishments, there was another. Ronald Reagan was a dad. His son Michael remembers him as a friend, counselor, and hero:
You knew my father as governor, as president. But I knew him as dad. I want to tell you a little bit about my dad....Ronald Reagan adopted me into his family 1945. I was a chosen one. I was the lucky one. And all of his years, he never mentioned that I was adopted either behind my back or in front of me. I was his son, Michael Edward Reagan. When his families grew to be two families, he didn't walk away from the one to go to the other. But he became a father to both. To Patti and then Ronnie, but always to Maureen, my sister, and myself.
We looked forward to those Saturday mornings when he would pick us up, sitting on the curve on Beverly Glen as his car would turn the corner from Sunset Boulevard and we would get in and ride to his ranch and play games and he would always make sure it ended up a tie.
We would swim and we would ride horses or we'd just watch him cut firewood. We would be in awe of our father... Last Saturday, when my father opened his eyes for the last time, and visualized Nancy and gave her such a wonderful, wonderful gift.
When he closed his eyes, that's when I realized the gift that he gave to me, the gift that he was going to be with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He had, back in 1988 on a flight from Washington, D.C., to Point Mugu, told me about his love of God, his love of Christ as his Savior. I didn't know then what it all meant. But I certainly, certainly know now.
I can't think of a better gift for a father to give a son....
Perhaps that's why the National Father's Day Committee named him Screen Father of the Year in 1957. Watch as Ronald Reagan is presented as "Top Pop" on The Ford Show:
Don't forget to hug your dad today!
by Krystal Heath, follow her on Twitter