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Leftists get Video Game Developer Canned. For Having the Wrong Opinions...
It's no shocker how leftists want to unperson anybody who happens to disagree with them. Any time you say something even remotely controversial, you run the risk of being publicly crucified by an army of braindead boars with cartoon-colored armpit hair. This video game developer just learned that the hard way, when he got canned from his job for having the wrong opinions.
Posting under the name “sser,” Hollingshead remarked that feminist game critic Anita Sarkeesian was a “huckster,” and accused her of feigning interest in video games to push her progressive ideology. He also called Zoe Quinn, the game developer whose undisclosed relationships with game journalists served as the catalyst for “GamerGate,” a “sociopath.”“Basic fact is that some people can’t handle women in video games – literally speaking,” he wrote in one post. “They can’t handle them being shot, can’t handle them being roughed up, can’t handle them being sexual, can’t handle them being liberal, can’t handle them being conservative, can’t handle them being criticized…”
Criticizing the concept of “objectification,” Hollingshead described the so-called “critique” of female characters in video games as a “double-helix of hypocritical bullshit that you never see applied to male characters.”
I don't see how this guy said anything worth a butt-tossing. Because there's videographic evidence that Anita Sarkeesian isn't a gamer, and Zoe Quinn is hardly a model for mental health. His peers think sacrificing him will earn the favor of feminist butt dumplings like Sarkeesian and Quinn. But, as history shows, that's an exercise in futility. Feminist nut jobs can never be satisfied.
This game developer is also right about objectification in gaming. Feminists blame the patriarchy for female game characters promoting unrealistic body standards. As if that only applies to the female characters. "Not every woman has low body fat and an athletic physique like Lara Croft," they say. But, they ignore all the male characters who are even more unrealistic. There aren't exactly a whole lot of us guys out there who resemble Kratos from God of War.
Video games are not real. They're not supposed to be!
Leftism is spreading through our culture like cellulite in the fat pride community. Even video games, which are about as far removed from politics as it gets, aren't spared from the scourge of leftist cancer (read Woman Claims Sexual Assault… From an Online Video Game). Your average male gamer isn't usually a meat-headed patriarchal frat boy jock. But, the more leftists alienate gamers and hijack their culture, the more enemies they create.
Continue to screw with gamer culture, leftists. But, when you're facing down an army of pissed off nerds, don't say we didn't warn you.