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Uber's David Bonderman Makes 'Sexist' Comment. Weak Feminists Force his Resignation...
Once upon a time, in a land that seems mythical now, people used to make jokes. Around this same time, lighthearted conversation and occasional chuckling were signs of strong mental health. Now, monstrous beings called "social justice warriors (SJWs)" have used their dark forces to stifle all things humor (see LOVE TRUMPS HATE! Man Shot During SJW Protest Outside Milo Yiannopoulos Speech… and COMEDY’S DEAD: Broads of of The View Attack Comedian for Her ‘Bullying’ Fat Jokes…).
In an Uber meeting to discuss sexism in the workplace, a funny-boned man made an offhanded joke about women that some found "sexist":
At least one Uber board member didn't seem to get the memo about sex discrimination and the changes Uber is trying to make from within. In an audio taping of the company all-hands meeting today about sex discrimination, board member David Bonderman said adding more women to the board meant more talking.Board member Arianna Huffington can be heard at 6:40 on an audio recording of the meeting recovered by Yahoo Finance discussing the bonus of adding a woman to the board.
Huffington: "There's a lot of data that shows when there's one woman on the board, it's much more likely that there will be a second woman on the board."
Bonderman: "Actually, what it shows is that it's much more likely to be more talking."
If you're waiting for the punchline, that's it. David Bonderman said, "women talk more." And rather than just rolling their eyes, feminists had to go full "FIRE THE SEXIST PIG."
This is what we'd call a classic overreaction. One might say a tit bit hysterical (yes, I meant to type "tit" calm thyselves). Before you send your hate comments to Steven, note the byline. Tis a woman writing this commentary. What the feminists and liberal virtue signaling trundle beasts did here was go full crazy over a comment. Not a rape. Not a murder. Not even drinking the last of the milk. Bonderman, who by the looks of it was alive the same time T-Rex picked his nose, made a "sexist" comment.
Boo-hoo. Whatever happened to just offering a clever retort? Why do all these "powerful" women not hold their own? Whatever happened to clever quips? Why call for this guy's head when one could've leaned forward with a smirk and said "Yep, we do talk a little more. We have to be adults while you boys play war." Or "Oh that reminds me, Mr. Bonderman. Your wife called. She told me to remind you to pick up your dry cleaning. Since you're incapable of listening. Or doing anything without reminding." Simpler: "If you listened the first time, maybe we wouldn't have to talk 'so much' the second, third, fourth or fifth times." Ideas. Just ideas.
Fight fire with fire. Come on, feminists. Women say things about men behind their backs all the time. Put some catty talk to good use.
Alas, feminists, whose lack of humor explains their lack of dates, cried down their rainbow painted faces. Mr. Bolderman was forced to apologize for the hurted feelings. Then he said bye bye to Uber. How dare he make a funny comment based on a gender stereotype. Sexist pig. Lynch him!