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ArticlesMarch 18, 2019
School Has Transgender Advocate Read to Kindergartners, Misleads Parents
It's Monday, do you know what kind of insidious claptrap is infecting your young child's mind like some kind of virus spread by a cute little monkey? A school in Arlington, Virginia (way to go, Virginia) had a transgender activist Sarah McBride -- a dude in a dress -- read to five-year-olds I am Jazz by teenage transgender hero(ine) Jazz Jennings. The school says that, yep, they sure did tell parents about it and yep, those parents could absolutely opt out of the reading should they not want Skylar and Braden exposed to Man in a Dress. Except the school's claim isn't entirely accurate.
According to Fox 5:
The school district says parents were notified by a letter ahead of time and were allowed to opt out of they chose. However, to their knowledge, no one did.
Wouldn't the school district know if a parent had raised an eyebrow or two? Seems like there would be a spreadsheet for something like this.
According to The Federalist, the claim about the option to check the box that says "HELL NO" is inaccurate. As a letter to the parents was obtained by the Family Foundation of Virginia, there is "absolutely no offer for parents to pull their kids out of the activity."
So maybe the school district is telling a fib. But wait, because it gets worse. It seems parents were kept deliberately in the dark:
Moreover, although the letter notes that a book written by a transgender person would be read to the class, it does not explicitly say that kindergarteners will be told they may have a “girl brain but a boy body” or a boy brain and a girl body, as the book claims. Nor does it say that the kids would be read to by a cross-dressing man who calls himself “Sarah.” Rather, it says only that “there will be discussion around the big ideas of the books which are we want to accept and welcome all people.”
Try as I might, I couldn't find the actual letter. I'm hoping the Family Foundation isn't keeping it hidden in some maze guarded by a sphinx and a giant spider. But if what the Federalist is reporting happens to be true, and based on what I've seen from the education wing of the Democrat party, it's hard for me to see otherwise, then what we have here is straight up indoctrination of kindergartners masked as general diversity and love. Who would dare stand against general diversity and love? "There will be a discussion around the big ideas of the books which are what we want to accept and welcome all people."
Who would dare stand against that? But what the lesson really was is "If you want to be extra special, you'll identify as the opposite gender, get hormone replacement therapy, have a society love and adore you, cut up your own body, then regret it for the rest of your likely short life, which you'll end yourself and then you'll be doubly valuable to our cause!" My version is just slightly longer than what was supposedly taught in Arlington County. Just a teeny bit.
Parents have rights. Transgenders do not have the right to push their agenda on your children. Stunning and brave as they are in a one-piece.