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Professor Says God Took Sexual Advantage of the Virgin Mary. Not Even Close.
It's Christmastime, the season of giving, red cups, twinkle lights, families gathering, children writing to Santa, and leftists whipping out their figurative schlongs to whizz all over everything we love. Like this angel of joy, a professor from Minnesota, who took an angry feminist interpretation of the Annunciation, in which the Angel Gabriel tells the Virgin Mary she's to be the bearer of the Christ Child, as God raping Mary.
Who needs context when you can just be an anti-Christian dickhead eager to score cheap points with the Jesus-hating Grinches who just can't even with the annual happiness that is December.
We see this talking point, that God took advantage of Mary, every year. So let's rebut it. Related: Dear Liberals: Stop Using Jesus in a Manger to Push Illegal Immigration.
Fortunately, someone who's actually read the passage of the Bible in question offered the facts Eric Sprankle couldn't even bother to Google search. He was too busy being sex positive about porn, prostitutes, and Satan.
Correct. Mary consented. As for the age and Mary being a teen, this is when it comes in handy to look at the ways of the time, not to apply today's sexual standards to those of 2000 plus years ago.
No matter, Professor Sprankle upped the ante, refusing to concede, holding firm that God is just an over bearing rapist who should probably be castrated lest he knock-up any more virgins with the Messiah. That randy cur!
There we go. Taking Old Testament God and applying it to New Testament Mary.
M'kay, so I'm no Biblical scholar, but I think I know enough to understand this professor has it all wrong. I don't want to get too far into the weeds about Mary being the New Ark of the Covenant, so I'll just go with some basics: predestination and free will. Yes, to Christians both can exist. Paraphrasing C.S. Lewis from Mere Christianity God, being all knowing, observes all of time from outside time. He knows our past, present and future actions, as He can see all of time at a glance. But we are still the ones acting and we're doing so freely.
Lemme employ an analogy. You want to ask someone out on a date. But you know, based on behavior and what everyone tells you about the person you're asking on a date, they'll say yes. You still ask the person out on the date. They still have the choice to say yes or no to your request, but you know the answer before you ask the question.
But who needs such thoughts when you can just bash God at Christmastime?
Of course not. One is only brave and woke to criticize the Christians, Christianity, and the Judeo-Christian God. Thou shalt not ever malign the Prophet Muhammad. Rape be upon him.
Last thing, our sweet professor is a bit of a Satanist. Context.
Merry Christmas.