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FeaturedJanuary 23, 2019
OPINION: Leftists Hate Children... Who Don't Advance Their Agenda
No more pretending, the left hates children who cannot -- or do not -- carry their water. If you're a child with thoughts or a lifestyle which runs counter to what the left has dictated is acceptable, you are dispensable. Which is putting it kindly. For if you're a child who's not yet been born, your life has no meaning. For during those nine months when a child is unborn, that child is incapable of acting as a vessel for any left-wing agenda. Therefore the lives of unborn children, to the left, have no value, no merit, no purpose. The lives of the unborn, to the left, can be easily extinguished. To great applause.
I'm referring here to the New York State Senate Which Cheered After it Passed an Up-to-Birth Abortion Law. For the left, the only value of unborn children is the money which flows into their coffers upon their executions.
Lemme break it down real simple like:
- Born children = Must advance the leftist cause
- Unborn children = Must be slaughtered for cash
You may say I'm being callous. Incorrect. I'm merely illuminating the callousness I've witnessed for most of my adult life. But for brevity, let's simply examine the last week.
As you're all well aware to the point of exhaustion, the media and greater left, with help from conservatives trapped in Stockholm syndrome, destroyed the reputation of teenage boys for the simple crime of holding a right-leaning opinion while smiling. Leftists went out of their way to condemn the boys, and some even called for the boys' deaths, the deaths of their parents, or even a mass shooting at their high school.
The teenage boys of Catholic Covington didn't carry the leftist agenda, worse they dared buck it. Ergo their lives are expendable, to be ruined at all costs. Watch: Protesters Meet Outside of Covington Church to Rant Crazy Things About a False Story. and read Top Ten WORST Reactions to the Covington Catholic Teen March for Life Video.
Then New York's esteemed Senate, which I've already stated at the outset of this column, congratulated themselves for infanticide. If a child cannot be a leftist pushing the leftist agenda, kill it for money which can be funnelled into a leftist agenda. Applause, applause, applause.
But for the sake of compare and contrast, for the sake of proving my case, let's go a little further back than just the past week. Let's look at two hot media stories from 2018. Children "separated" from "parents" at the border (I'll explain the scare quotes in a second) and the Parkland high school students.
In the first case, the left bent itself into a pretzel telling the nation how much they cared about illegal immigrant children separated from their families at the border. We were granted to hot takes, exposes, and hit pieces centered around what ended up being a sack of smelly lies. The child separation policy wasn't established by the Trump administration. And many of the adults accompanying these minors aren't their parents, but sex traffickers. But the facts about these children don't matter to the left. All that matters to the left is what kind of agenda they can saddle on the children. In this case: paint Trump as heartless.
The left is what's heartless.
Earlier in 2018, The Parkland Bunch. Because David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, and any number of their anti-gun posse echoed every single talking point from the DNC, the teens were given accolades, attention, glowing coverage, and praise. While students who didn't parrot the left's approved talking points were summarily ignored if not defamed. Related: Parkland Teacher Investigated for Calling Kyle Kashuv 'Hitler'.
Compare how David Hogg was treated by the media to how Nick Sandmann was treated. Compare how the students at the March for Our Lives were treated versus the students at the March for Life were treated.
Now, to those people who'd call me a hypocrite, as we've openly admonished the Parkland students: David Hogg and his compadres willingly entered the arena of politics with various political statements. The moment you enter the arena of political ideas, like demanding the end of the Second Amendment, criticism of you and your ideas is fair game.
The Covington teens were first harassed by the Black Israelites, then by Nathan Phillips, who lied to the press about what the kids did. Then the teens were victims of selectively edited video to paint them as cruel douchebags. Which the anti-Trump fake news media ran with, seemingly without question.
Not the same.
So when a leftist says they care for "the children" they're omitting a key truth: they care for children -- who are vessels of their agenda. Any child who cannot be used is worthless. Unless he or she can profited from while being vacuumed from a womb.
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