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CultureMay 30, 2019
OPINION: Actually, No Not all "Love" is Good Love
During the height of the gay marriage push, we were all treated to the "Love is Love" campaign. You remember that one. We were all told that people should be free to love whoever they liked. As if marriage = love (it doesn't). The campaign seemingly worked, as people in love with their own feelings dashed to social media platforms to virtue signal (a term not yet coined) about how they were overflowing with feelings, and anyone who disagreed with the premise of Love is Love was an intolerant, close-minded bigot deserving of societal banishment if not having the living crap sued out of them. Ah, LOVE. Well, since then, since the Gaystapo rammed through "gay" marriage, our society has continued lubricating itself with KY jelly to slide down the already slippery slope of I can't believe this is happening. For reference, yesterday I wrote about Channel 5 in the UK promoting pedophilia with their "Age Gap Love" show. Watch SLOPE SLIPPED: #AgeGapLove TV Show Glorifies Pedophile Relationship.
Yes, pedophilia is now described as "age gap love." I'd say the slope we've slid down has some real, damaging consequences. Wouldn't you?
So where exactly did we go wrong? Easy answer: assuming and treating all love as the same, treating all love as equal, believing the feelings of love itself transforms whatever comes after love into something pure and beautiful.
But not all love is the same, not all love is equal, and what follows the feelings of love matters. There's an easy way to gauge good love versus bad love, beyond the ethical and philosophical: the creep factor. But we'll dive into that later.
First, a definition of what real love actually is: wanting what is best for the object of your love. This definition eliminates pedophilia, it eliminates affairs, it probably knocks out most polyamorous relationships. Maybe it eliminates your relationship.
Love shouldn't revolve around the feelings associated with it, but what you do with those feelings. Real love produces positive outcomes.
The premise for the gay marriage hashtag campaign "love is love" is incorrect. Love doesn't need to be defined by itself. Love either is or it is not. Love is wanting what is best for someone else, meaning husbands put their wives before themselves, wives put their husbands before themselves, parents put their children ahead of themselves. Each instance produces a positive outcome for the person being loved.
Therefore "age gap love" is not love. It is selfishness. It is an older person putting his or her desires above the welfare of a child. A 44-year-old man is not right for a 14 to a 16-year-old girl. The end. Some will say my typing of "the end" isn't proof of anything. See the sentences which preceded it.
We should not, as a society, celebrate all love as if all love is equal. We should only celebrate the love that gives, not the "love" that takes. Oh sure, that's stating the obvious, I know. I might as well say we should value human life. We shouldn't cheat, steal, or binge watch terrible television shows.
But we can roll back some of these erroneous notions led entirely by our feelings. "Love is love" may have been a great campaign to push gay marriage, but love isn't even marriage. Marriage is marriage. It was an institution designed not necessarily around love, but around the raising of children. Sometimes marriage was used diplomatically. But not always was a marriage based around love.
Love isn't creepy. I don't want to sound like an overly read Biblical passage cited in weddings, but love isn't about taking for yourself because it's what you want. It isn't loving to want to bone a child. Especially your own child. You freak. It isn't love to want to pork someone else's spouse. It isn't love to want to be with multiple people at the same time. It isn't love to want to fondle your sister, brother, cousin, or any relation of yours. But it is sick, sick, sick. In none of these cases is the object of love put before the one experiences those "loving" feelings.
Those are examples of lust. Lust =/= love. Related: Mother Jailed After Marrying Her Son. AND Daughter and Mother and Biological Son Are Lovers. Leftists Defend Them.
We're living in stupid times, where vocabulary is being treated as fluid. But if we want our society to flourish instead of flounder, we must first honor, cherish and respect actual love over lust, and call out the latter when it's deliberately confused with the former.