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ArticlesJanuary 26, 2018
Nikki Haley Makes U.S. Intentions About Palestine/Israel Peace Treaty Clear
Palestine has demonstrated they would burn in hell with Muhammed before they let America help negotiate a peace treaty. It's not news that Israel and Palestine have been fighting over the wastelands of the Middle East for centuries. But what is news is that Trump is fed up with the lack of cooperation of Palestine's President Abbas (see Post-UN Jerusalem Vote, Israel Issues a Message to Trump. It’s Awesome! and Nikki Haley Reviews Trump’s No-Nonsense Policy With the Middle East, Pakistan).
America is making it clear they won't put up with a bratty Palestinian president much longer.
[President Abbas] He rejected any American role in peace talks. He insulted the American president. He called for suspending recognition of Israel. He invoked an ugly and fictional past, reaching back to the 17th century to paint Israel as a colonialist project engineered by European powers.Despite all of this, the United States remains fully prepared and eager to pursue peace.
Peace requires compromise. It requires solutions that take into account the core interest of all sides, and that is what the United States is focused on for the Isreali Palestinian conflict. Hate filled speeches and end-runs around negotiations take us nowhere.
The United States remains deeply committed to helping the Israelis and the Palestinians reach a historic peace agreement that brings a better future to both peoples... but we will not chase after a Palestinian leadership that lacks what is needed to achieve peace.
The U.S., who gives the Middle East lots of moneys, is kicking little Palestine off the basement couch and into a sand-sprayed heatstroke. No more games of who can insult the other the most.
This strong approach is well warranted. Sometimes one has to display a firm hand in centuries-old squabbles (see Netanyahu Delivers Scathing Response to Islamic Terrorism). Especially when most of the rest of the world doesn't even remember why they're fighting. Something about a prostitute and her son. Google it.
Jews have had it tough for a long time. Both in their homeland and abroad. See the video below for more details.
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