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AbortionMay 06, 2019
Nasty Pro-Abortion State Representative Harasses Peaceful Pro-Life Protester
And here we have another "tolerant" male "feminist" harassing a perfectly peaceful pro-lifer. Only this time, the pro-abortionist feminist is a white male LGTBQ Pennsylvania Representative named Brian Sims who FILMED THIS all by himself. Check it out:
I can't embed a Periscope video, so if you can't see the video in the tweet, check out this video:
As Life Action has noted, this video violates Periscope's terms of service, as Brian Sims is clearly harassing the pro-life woman, who is simply not harassing anyone.
I'd also like to note the peaceful pro-lifer only spoke up to Sims after he got right in her face.
By the way, women's rights my ass. I just saw two men bully an elderly lady. Is this the toxic masculinity I've been hearing so much about? Because maybe it's not such a bad concept after all.
Okay, other than how terrible you feel for not only this woman, but all of the comments that Brian Sims got for this blatant harassment, Brian Sims should really be ashamed for harassing a woman in the street who was simply trying to save children. I dare say SHAME is a word he knows all too well. Will he actually feel it? No. His solution to problems is to just kill, bully, harass, intimidate. He's hardly winning morality gold stars.
Can we talk about something that's not only apparent in his video but others just like it? The solution for pro-abortion people, when it comes to babies and children who are hungry and abused is to just KILL THEM. Notice that Brian Sims, and all people who're advocating abortion, always ask pro-lifers "how many babies have you taken care of" or "how many babies have you clothed/adopted/fed" etcetera. What other conclusion am I to draw other than pro-abortion side does not want to deal with suffering children, they just want to abort them? Which is right in line with Arkansas John Rogers. Watch Democrat John Rogers Justifies Abortion Saying Unwanted Kids Should be Killed Now or Later and Alabama Dem John Rogers Doubles Down on Horrific Abortion Comments.
So pro-abortion people tell pro-life people to be ashamed. Meanwhile, they want to kill children not only because children are an inconvenience to them and what they think is society at large, but to spare children "suffering." Let that sink in.
Brian Sims is loud, proud, and in this woman's face. Let your voices be heard, America. That's all I can say on that.