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ArticlesSeptember 11, 2017
VIDEO: Mike Pence Delivers Touching Tribute to Flight 93 Heroes Who Saved His Life...
Well, it's officially been sixteen years since 9/11. Otherwise known as the crappiest of crap days ever. The day a bunch of Muhammad-loving jagweeds hijacked four jetliners and murdered 3,000 innocent people. So much for the "religion of peace," eh? Today, Vice President Pence paid tribute to the brave souls of Flight 93, who fought the Islamic dickbags for control of the plane, and lost their lives in the process. But in doing so they managed to save many lives at the capitol building. Including Pence's.
Vice President Mike Pence told relatives and friends of the victims of United Flight 93 attending the 16th anniversary ceremony Monday in Pennsylvania that the passengers might well have saved his life.The Republican said he was in Washington as a member of Congress on 9/11, and learned that the Capitol was a possible target of the hijacked plane, which was only 12 minutes away.
“It was the longest 12 minutes of my life,” he said, adding they soon learned the plane went down in a field in Pennsylvania.
“Without regard to personal safety, they rushed forward to save lives,” he said. “I will always believe that I and many others in our nation’s capital were able to go home that day and hug our families because of the courage and sacrifice of the heroes of Flight 93.”
Right on, Mike!
The bravery of the Flight 93 passengers is unquestionable. They had no reservations about brawling with those bacon-hating Islamic turdlets, and their actions saved a buttload of people. They represented everything awesome about the U-S-of-A. Needless to say, we won't be forgetting them, or their sacrifice, any time soon.
But, unfortunately, many leftists seem to have already forgotten. Or never gave a fart in the first place. There's been a crap ton of terrorist attacks since 9/11 (see Liberal Narrative BUSTED: San Bernardino Killer Pledged Allegiance to ISIS… and Orlando Night Club Attack: We Don’t need ‘Gun Control’. We Need ‘Islam Control’). Yet, the left still refuses to admit radical Islam is a problem. In fact, they regard anyone who's skeptical of Allah's murder-cult as an Islamophobic bigot.
The best way to pay tribute to the victims of 9/11? By not forgetting what happened. Also, by doing our best to keep it from ever happening again. Islamic buttmunches make no bones about their intention to murder us "infidels," cover our women in potato sacks, and mutilate every genital in sight. Like the good people of Flight 93, it's up to us to say hell-to-the-no.
While we're on the subject...