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AbortionMarch 01, 2024
Watch: Pro-Abortion Professor forced to admit abortion kills a baby after GOP Senator highlights the horrifying details
Abortion kills a baby. Democrats like to pretend that that is not the case even, though that is the whole point. They demand to make this “choice” a “right” and then scream at the rest of the world for calling them out on exactly what evil act these people enable.
Sen. John Kennedy was highlighting the horrors of abortion. He even got one Progressive to admit the obvious - that yes - abortion does kill the child. But because the truth hurt so bad, a Democrat cut him off while speaking.
Key remarks from Kennedy’s exchange with Caitlin Myers and Leilah Zahedi-Spung, whom committee Democrats brought as witnesses, are below. Kennedy also questioned Leslie Ford, a witness for Republicans.
Kennedy: “My good friend Senator Whitehouse said, I want to quote, ‘Reproductive justice is economic justice.’ Close quote. Do you agree with that?”
Myers: “I might, as an economist, use the word ‘rights,’ but yeah, I do agree with that.”
Kennedy: “Okay, that’s not true for the baby, is it?”
Myers: “Well, first of all, I would refer to a ‘fetus,’ not a ‘baby.’”
Kennedy: “Well, a ‘fetus’—I refer to it as a ‘baby’—that's not true for the baby, is it?
Myers: “I'm sorry. I don't really understand . . . I'm not here to talk about ethics, assignment of personhood. That’s not my role.”
Kennedy: “Well, but you said you agreed with the chairman's statement that, ‘Reproductive justice is economic justice.’ There is no economic justice for the baby because the baby's dead, right?”
Myers: “I don't really know how to answer your question.”
It’s a yes or no question. But these people refuse to admit what they are doing because it is in fact - that evil. They cannot say the word “baby” and must replace it with “fetus” because it helps them sleep. But the term fetus just means “offspring” and “offspring” means “baby,” but whether these people are incredibly stupid or naive is up for you to decide.
Kennedy: “Well, is the baby dead or alive?”
Myers: “The fetus would be dead after an abortion.”
The term fetus is logically equivalent to the term “toddler” or “teenager.” It’s like saying: “That is not a child, it’s a toddler!” The term is used solely for a specific stage of development. But at least Myers has admitted that the “fetus” is dead.
Kennedy: “All right. If the mother is healthy and the baby is healthy, do you support abortion up to the moment of birth?”
Myers: “You know, I think that’s a really hard question to answer because that just doesn’t happen. You’re asking me about something that simply doesn’t happen—”
Myers refused to answer the question because either the realization of murdering innocent children hit her, or she is that incredibly stupid. Again, making that call is up to you.
Kennedy then questioned another witness who admitted that a 21-week-old baby does feel pain. Kennedy detailed the horrifying details of an abortion at that stage but he just happened to run out of time before he could ask the witness about how doctors crush the skull.
Kennedy: “Yeah, and, first, the doctor would dilate the cervix, and then the doctor would take what's called [a sopher] clamp. It's really a pair of pliers with sharp teeth on the end, and, without giving the baby any pain medication, the doctor would go through the vagina, through the uterus, and start tearing the baby apart, is that right?”
Ford: “As far as I understand the procedure.”
Kennedy: “And [the doctor] might start with the legs and pull them out, and the arms and pull them out, right? And then she might go for the heart or the spine and just pull the baby out piece by piece. Is that right? Without giving the baby pain medication?”
Ford: “That's what I understand the procedure to be.”
Kennedy: “Okay, but then you've got to get the head out. The baby's dead. Maybe not. Maybe it's still in pain, but then you've got to get the head out, and—even with the cervix dilated--you've got to get the head out, which is hard. So, then the doctor would go in and use those pliers to crush the baby's head. Is that right?”
Ford: “As far as I know.”
Kennedy: “And then she'd pull the head out, the crushed skull out, right?”
Calling abortion just another “procedure” is also another way for these deranged Leftists to dance around the truth. And the whole “choice” argument makes no sense. People have a choice to commit evil acts, that is true. But how does that justify an abortion? It’s incredibly barbaric and they know that. That is why they constantly drag out these euphemisms that make absolutely no sense.
But the truth hurts and Democrats can’t handle that. That is why they get so upset when you tell them blatant facts. But no matter how loud they scream. No matter how much they lie to themselves. And no matter how many people try and convince themselves that murdering a human is “reproductive justice,” innocent and helpless life is still destroyed all because someone made a “choice.”
Anti-Abortion DEMOCRAT Becomes REPUBLICAN LIVE On Air? | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com
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