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PoliticsJuly 02, 2019
The Jig is Up, AOC. You’re an Overdramatic Fraud!
Dear "At least she's genuine" AOC:
Since your time is precious, I'll cut to the point: you're a fraud. By wearing your heart on your sleeve, you branded yourself as someone who was at least upfront, honest about her positions, and thus came off as "authentic" and "genuine." Heck I've stated either in writing here or in conversations with coworkers, "well, at least she's honest about where she stands." After your recent antics, though, I'm afraid I'll have to order a hearty helping of crow. You are not genuine. You are not honest about where you stand. You're a manipulative, political hack just like the rest. Only with a better social media game.
Two stories in the past week have pulled back the curtain to reveal what an insincere political pawn you really are. The first, and one of my favorite stories of my entire political-commentary writing career, it was revealed the photo-op of you "crying" at a "concentration camp" border-holding facility was, in fact, staged. You were actually "crying" in front of a parking lot. Based on the surrounding landscape, it wasn't even a parking lot that had formally been paradise only to be paved over while a big yellow taxi took you away.
Seeing as how it's obvious you were looking at a parking lot and not poor migrant children who'd been dragged by adults to the border by sex-traffickers, I have to assume you were in on the charade. I imagine the conversation went something like this:
You: I need to show people that, I like, totally I care and that I'm, like, totally real and stuff.Team of Political Hacks: Let's have you cry giant crocodile tears at the border.
You: Yaaaaas!
Team of Political Hacks: Except getting you to the border to cry might be difficult, since it's a security issue and there are other officials there. How 'bout a place that kind of looks like Mexico with a fence, but without any actual immigrants?
You: Like, as long as there's a chainlink fence and I can hold onto it like that dream sequence from Terminator 2, we should be, like, totally fine. I'll even wear my $600 watch.
So it was done. You got points for caring about the migrants without actually seeing any migrants. Virtue signaling without committing actual random acts of virtue, that's politics 101, baby. Welcome to the hall of manipulative politicians who sell their souls to get elected. I imagine you feel quite comfy with all the political animals who shat on the cushion you're now occupying.
The second story came out today, and it also involved the border. You were offered a tour of the border facility, a real one, not one concocted in head-shaped bubble blown by your neck. You didn't take up the offer, instead opting to stay with a migrant family so you could, in my estimation, pull more immigration propaganda right out of your keister. But only after you screamed at border agents for what I have to assume was more cheap political theater. For more on that story, read AOC Throws a Hissy Fit at Border Agents While 'Touring' Border Facility. Then Refuses the Actual Tour.
Let's add these two recent stories with one a little older than a week ago, a story alleging you've taken dark campaign money, hardly making you a politician "of the people." See WATCH: The Always Talkative AOC Dodges Questions About Violating FEC Laws. Also despite railing against airplanes and private transportation, you're actually a frequenter of airplanes and private transportation. Read Hypocrite Alert: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Prefers Air Travel to Train Travel. By A Lot.
By my count, I have far more evidence of your disingenuousness than you have evidence the border-holding facilities are concentration camps. Which you may have learned on your own had you accepted the tour offered to you. Of both. That's right, someone offered you a tour of an actual concentration camp, read AOC Invited to Tour an ACTUAL Concentration Camp by Polish MP.
You are not ignorant by accident. You're ignorant by choice. Your ignorance allows you to keep lying in such a way you convince your base that you're "for real." But you, like most of your political peers, are a common, every day, ordinary politician: in it for yourself, in it for power, eager to lie, cheat, and steal to keep that power.
Consider yourself unmasked.
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