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ArticlesJune 04, 2019
Imprisoned Transwoman Moved from All-Female Prison After Getting Naked with Female Inmate
For those of you playing the home game, a male-to-female transperson is a "transwoman." A female-to-male transperson is a "transman." It's basically opposite day in transgenderism, so that which they say they are, they are not. That's the easiest way to remember. With that in mind, a transwoman (man) sentenced to 26 years in prison for murder, asked to be transferred to the all gals clink rather than the all bros clink. Smart. But while there, He Who is Not a She got busted for playing the naked game with a She Who is A She prisoner. If only we had seen this coming.
Kayleigh Woods, 23, had only been at HMP Eastwood Park, Gloucs for a matter of weeks before prison officials found the two convicts in a 'state of undress'.
Kayleigh is a dude who killed a flatmate who, as it turns out, was a real woman. Regardless of this, the esteemed folks running the prison system over in the Old Country thought it was fine and dandy to let Killer Woods enter the All Gals Penitentiary.
She did not have a Gender Recognition Certificate, but the Transgender Case Board decided her lack of sex offences meant she posed little risk to female inmates.
But it wasn't long before Woods had begun a secret affair with another convict.
Shoot, it's almost like Woods faked the tranny thing just so he could play touch the boobies during his 26-year sentence. I'm not sure Kayleigh Woods is smart, but nor is he stupid. Dude had a solid game plan just got busted while playing naked sex games with a real broad.
'Prison officers found one of the pair in a state of undress. A toilet seat had also been broken. It was pretty clear what they'd been up to,' a source told the Sun.
It is claimed the prison's governor 'went up the wall' when told about the incident.
If only we had known a man convicted of murder would be dishonest.
But wait, because Kayleigh Woods is a violent murderer who slit the throat of a flatmate after first practicing on a Barbie Doll. That flatmate happened to be a woman. An actual woman. I know I already stated it but it bears repeating. This real woman was not to be confused with a She-male still in possession of his biological female penis. This is the elegant man-lady the prison committee in Jolly Old England thought was just fine going to prison with a gaggle of real gals. Related: Transwoman Prisoner Sexually Assaulted Four Women Prisoners and WATCH: Feminist Speaks Out Against Transwomen Invading Female Only Spaces.
So once again I find myself asking the same question: how is the acceptance and capitulation of male-to-female trannies not evidence of this big bad "Patriarchy" I keep hearing about? And how are feminists, who supposedly care about the rights of women, not ALL united against it?
I'll wait.
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