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ArticlesApril 20, 2019
Fidel Castro Compared to James Dean in New York Times Op-Ed
The douchemeisters over at The New York Times must have kicked off their 4/20 festivities a little early. They did a doting piece on Fidel Castro being oh so "cool" and "stylish." Get a load of this bullhickey:
It was like Sinatra headlining in Vegas. On April 21, 1959 -- 60 years ago this Sunday -- thousands of adoring New Yorkers gave a tumultuous welcome to a young celebrity emerging from Penn Station: Fidel Castro, leader of the Cuban guerrillas.At the time, many young Americans were showing the first signs of disenchantment with what they saw as the leaden conformity of the Cold War era.
Yes, economic and political freedom is just so boring and conformative. Living under the boot of a commie asshat sounds much better.
Though wait, here comes the best part:
The highly educated Castro was like James Dean with a progressive political agenda: a rebel with a cause.
I wonder if this same writer would say the same thing about Hitler and the Nazis. "Here an idealistic group of men clad in Hugo Boss brought about real change in Germany. They had a cause, and causes are good." After all, Castro and Che Guevara were homicidal totalitarian dickweeds. Just like Adolf and his posse of Third Reich douchenozzles.
The lobotomized writer of this piece is willing to ignore all the oppression and murder stuff, because "Fidel just dressed so cool." Something tells me writer person would be the first to fall for the propaganda. "Bread lines are good. Gotta have me some bread lines. Dear leader told me so."
Yet another example of the left's love affair with dictators. They seem to be just dying for an overlord's boot to lick. This is why we want the left as far away from the driver's seat as possible.