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Culture WarsOctober 05, 2023
LGBTQ+ Groups Praise Writer Being Sent To PRISON For Calling A Journalist A ‘Fat Lesbian’
Did you know that calling a ‘fat lesbian’ a ‘fat lesbian’ is illegal in Switzerland? Because I didn't.
The left loathes free speech and tries everything in the book to hinder it. They go as far as to claim that ‘words are violence.’
This means that when you say something they do not like, you should be treated as though you have committed some act of physical violence. And that is exactly what leftists have done in Switzerland.
LGBTQ groups are applauding the 60-day jail sentence a Swiss court gave to a writer and commentator for calling a journalist a “fat lesbian” in 2021.
I wonder if he would have still been sentenced if he called her a ‘skinny lesbian.’
Alain Bonnet, who goes by Alain Soral, issued the statement at journalist Catherine Macherel in a video on Facebook, where he also called her "unhinged" as he criticized her work as a “queer activist.”
Look, the truth hurts. People need to start dealing with it. We cannot just start jailing people every time someone's feelings get hurt.
This ruling comes after Swiss voters approved a measure in 2020 that made it illegal to discriminate against people on the basis of sexual orientation.
So would the lesbian journalist also be convicted if the situation was the other way around? Would she also be sentenced if she called the man a “fat heterosexual?”
Well, I think we all know the answer to that question.
And what were the crimes that Soral was charged with in regards to the politically incorrect statement?
Well, he was sentenced by the Lausanne court for the crimes of defamation, discrimination, and incitement to hatred.
Can you really defame someone with the truth? These are really 'descriptive words' not defamatory words.'
And what the heck is incitement to hatred? Are we not allowed to hate people now? What a bunch of nonsense.
“This court decision is an important moment for justice and rights of LGBTQI people in Switzerland,” said Murial Waeger, co-director of a lesbian activist group. “The conviction of Alain Soral is a strong signal that homophobic hatred cannot be tolerated in our society.”
Soral was also ordered to pay legal fees and fines totaling thousands of Swiss francs.
Soral ‘s lawyer, Pascal Junod, blasted the conviction as a “crime of opinion” in a statement to The Associated Press. And that this was aimed to probe whether he had “sinned against the dogmas of a single thought.”
This is so stupid. Authorities really sentenced someone for having an opinion that some may actually consider to be a fact. You know, because she really is a fat lesbian.
We’re in the dawn of some sort of Orwellian Revolution that relies on tactics such as intimidation and public shaming to dictate what thoughts are permissible.
People who try to control speech are tyrants. It really is that simple.
Ironically, the same people who scream ‘words are violence’ also scream ‘science is violence.’
There always seems to be double standards to the left’s logic, or lack thereof.
What they really mean to say is “You must only speak about things that are aligned with the progressive agenda.”
The left needs to stifle free speech in order to control the masses as they resort to gaslighting the public with shame. They cannot actually defend their progressive agenda. That is probably why this man called the fat lesbian ‘unhinged.’ They always go on unhinged rants because their whole life relies on degenerate emotions.
Leftists in America are currently dreaming of a world where speech crimes are the norm. Especially one like in Switzerland where you are jailed for speaking TRUTH. Because that lady really is a fat lesbian and we all know it.