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CultureJuly 09, 2024
Watch: "Drunk Karen" gets out of her car and watches it roll away in hilarious road rage incident
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We have all become enraged behind the wheel, overreacted to fellow drivers, and regretted honking in a situation that really isn't much more than spilled milk. However, there's a difference between being just a little bit impatient with someone not turning left when they should have turned left, and driving drunk and pinning yourself between cars while also nearly running yourself over. And that is exactly why this article exists.
The Fourth of July is one of the deadliest days when it comes to people driving under the influence. Causing harm while driving intoxicated is the most preventable crime in the history of crimes and I have no sympathy for anyone who gets behind the wheel while drunk. Thus, no mercy should be shown to Karen, who nearly ran herself over by pinning herself between cars while she tried to berate a driver because SHE nearly ran him over the road WHILE DRUNK.
Behold the reason we can't have nice things.
NEW: 'Drunk Karen' gets instant karma as her car starts rolling away after she exited the vehicle to berate a man driving.
The man who posted the video, says the woman almost ran off the road but then took her anger out on him instead.
When she got out of her car to confront… pic.twitter.com/oFyxbSu19y
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 8, 2024
According to the New York Post:
“What are you tweaking about?” the male motorist inquires as the woman opens her car door to scold him for allegedly “spinning and swerving” on the road, claiming to have an “82-year-old man” as her passenger.
The woman, noticeably slurring her words, rages, “Just because it’s the Fourth of July doesn’t mean you can be a f–king d–k!”
The man says flatly, “You’re drunk as f–k,” earning himself a, “F–k you, guy!” He insists, “You’re the one swerving, I was just following you.”
She then throws open her door and emerges from her car to challenge his assertion, but before she can even stand up straight, her sedan starts rolling away without her realizing it.
Question: What was the point of emerging from the car? Was that supposed to inhibit fear in the other driver? Because she's more pathetic than she is intimidating but I digress.
Road rage is a very real thing but under no circumstances should anyone get out of the car because they are peeved at another driver. There is literally no point and it’s not that big of a deal, although sometimes it definitely feels like it’s a big deal in the moment.
“Um, uh…,” the male driver stammers in disbelief as he notices her car slowly moving out of sight.
The woman spits out, “I’m the one f–king swerving?!” — then catches on to her careless error and starts chasing the car down the roadway mid-sentence, frantically trying to get her foot on the brake.
She claimed her passenger was 80 years old and I can only imagine how scared he must have been in that moment. That's unacceptable and it's not clear if this meets the legal definition of elder abuse, but if the shoe fits, it fits.
And why weren't the cops called? The drunk Karen got back in her car and drove off after the incident and that does not sit well with me. She put several lives at risk, including her own, and it’s doubtful she will ever be held accountable.
The man filming should have called the cops the moment it was evident a drunk driver was swerving on the road.
Unclear if Drunk Karen in the wild is an everyday occurrence but hopefully she learned her lesson.
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